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New Units In Hellas

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New Units In Hellas

New Units In Hellas
Elysian PvP Champions Have Been Bestowed Upon Us!


Two more of the gods have seen fit to bestow Hellas with their blessings. Two new Elysian Champions have arrived: the Chosen of Artemis, and the Chosen of Apollo!

Like other Champion Units, Elysian Champions gain bonuses when they are accompanied by other Elysian Units.

In addition, they gain an advantage when battling armies containing non-Elysian Units and non-Elysian Champions.

These divine Units also have a special ability: some Supporting Units that fall in PvP battles are revived for free! The percentage of Units revived depends on the level of your Infirmary. With these mighty warriors in battle, the safety of your Units is assured, as long as you remember to recall them from the Infirmary after the battle.

These powerful Units come from the gods’ blessing alone. They can be found only in Special Offers.

When your opportunity arrives, do not turn down the blessings of the gods. Take up the Chosen, wield the power of life, and destroy your enemies!

Basileus Leonidas

27 дек. 2020, 13:0027.12.20
12 янв. 2021, 10:2012.01.21
  1. 😁
12 янв. 2021, 10:2212.01.21
