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New Cult of Ares Puzzles Available Uncover Them To Get Units And Bonuses!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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New Cult of Ares Puzzles Available Uncover Them To Get Units And Bonuses!



Acolytes from the Cult of Ares have returned from far and wide with new knowledge! Reveal the learnings from these Puzzles for them and win over the loyalty of more Units.

You can find a new Puzzle of each Rarity to complete, with corresponding Units that will rally to your cause from the Cult:

- Common - Cretan Archer
- Uncommon - Myrmidon
- Rare - Pezos
- Epic - Legate
- Legendary - Hamippos

Reminder: this feature is only available for Archons of Level 50 or above. You can get these new Puzzle Pieces by deciphering Tablets, as well Puzzle Pieces for the old Units.

Now, set out and help the Cult acolytes find what they're looking for!

Basileus Leonidas

24 дек. 2020, 12:5024.12.20
24 дек. 2020, 18:0724.12.20

I whis you all a merry Xmas ent stay safe.

4 янв. 2021, 02:5004.01.21

It's nice to see the expansion of this feature! Puzzles are an easy and funny way to increase sensitive power