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Monthly Developers' Feedback: December 2018

Monthly Developers' Feedback: December 2018

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10 янв. 2019, 11:0210.01.19

Monthly Developers' Feedback: December 2018

December Feedback

1. Add a feature that will allow not only Coalition Attacks on Capitals/Pantheons, but Coalition spying as well.

Devs' Answer:

We will create a task for this idea and think how it can be implemented in the game.

2. It's time to add new Levels. Some players are close to achieving Level 150.

Devs' Answer:

We will check the statistics and make the decision then.

3. The majority of experienced players can't take part in Development Race and Phylarch Challenge Tournaments as they have upgraded everything already.

Devs' Answer:

We can hide Tournament for those players who upgraded their City/Phylarch already. We're investigating now how would be better to solve this situation.

12 янв. 2019, 02:2512.01.19

Thanks for this Alina

Another suggestion for the devs - can you make some way to remove or discard generals gear?

With the silly numbers of generals items we get in coalition chests - there is no way to break them as fast as we get them.

The numbers of free gear we get daily has gotten ridiculous. 

We can discard unopened coffers - but not items or coffers that have been opened.

With the recent addition of single chests that gift 50 (yes 10x5) coffers plus keys .... the more common 30 item (10x3) and the piles of single gear ... it would be nice to just discard the junk we do not want or that is not worth the time to break.

If our inventory is full of junk - the good gear is lost  (fully unlocked inventory is only 50 spaces - you can fill with a single chest)

But breaking these kind of numbers is impossible.

It would be nice to be able to purchase more generals inventory space - or discard items similar to unopened coffers.

(When people open a chest with 12 to 50 legendary tier IV gear and their inventory is full - they get grumpy thinking about all the lost stuff)

12 янв. 2019, 02:3712.01.19

There is speculation (supported with data gathered) that high level accounts do not get the same number of generals gear drops as lower level accounts.

Not from coalition chests, or sales offered.

Accounts that have earned some legendary tier IV gear never find coalition chests that offer bulk generals coffers of top tier.

They rarely find single items of legendary tier IV gear - but all low level accounts like mine keep finding up to 50 items at a time, and on a frequent basis.

It is not random at all - and people from other coalitions are telling me they see the same thing.

The numbers of items found is drastically different between high and low level accounts.

The large numbers in the federation i belong to - are finding that high level accounts rarely find the chests with multi items at all.

This seems very very dis-balanced - more so when you realize that the people who are high level with some legendary gear worked very hard to get it - and people with low level accounts that did not do any positions have hundreds of items.

Their gear will surpass the people that worked for their gear in a huge way.

Accounts under level 84 seem to have full maxed gear (by maxed i mean they have soooo many items to pick from that all gear is max % ... 20% shields and swords,  15% other gear)

they find piles of items a day - level 88+ accounts in the same coalition - drawing from the same reward gift chests find a fraction of these items.

is there a way to correct this?  

should we be getting the numbers of items we seem to get?

12 янв. 2019, 03:2412.01.19

I fully agree with Theokoles on all that has been said.  A discard option for general gear (such as the one available to coffers) would be very much appreciated.  I've recently forked out the drachma to unlock all the slots available in my general's inventory.  And I've got so much gear I need to break down, rewarded as individual equipment from coalition chests, that it will likely take almost a month, if not longer, to clean my inventory.

Please give consideration to adding this feature, already available to coffers, to general gear in the inventory.

Thank you!

12 янв. 2019, 03:4512.01.19
12 янв. 2019, 03:46(отредактировано)

 I am not sure that everyone with low level will experience this because all new players I talk to they never seen a legendary IV this must be only a rumor.

Those small level players which they upgrade their gear can be by investing Drachma and depending on their signed Agreements they can purchase those items as they available to everyone from :

General get equipment

Available Coffers to get

Available Keys to get

As long as players choose they can get any keys and coffers at the class IV and as legendary pack.

12 янв. 2019, 04:2112.01.19

The chests are a welcome reward towards all coalition members and they at random given and most of the players when they buy any packages they select the one containing a chest as a reward towards their coalition member.
Most of coalitions members use this feature as a way to gift other members of same coalition.

Depending on the strategy many players use boosts to break equipment and always an available choice to discard any unopened coffers is offered.

The beauty of this is that in a coalition players love to have the ability to gift other members as those chests are available to those who are active and able to pick them in the time limit provided as they will expire if they are not claimed.


12 янв. 2019, 17:1312.01.19
12 янв. 2019, 17:16(отредактировано)

Alina Phoenix said:

December Feedback

1. Add a feature that will allow not only Coalition Attacks on Capitals/Pantheons, but Coalition spying as well.

Devs' Answer:

We will create a task for this idea and think how it can be implemented in the game.

2. It's time to add new Levels. Some players are close to achieving Level 150.

Devs' Answer:

We will check the statistics and make the decision then.

3. The majority of experienced players can't take part in Development Race and Phylarch Challenge Tournaments as they have upgraded everything already.

Devs' Answer:

We can hide Tournament for those players who upgraded their City/Phylarch already. We're investigating now how would be better to solve this situation.


 Aggiungi una funzione che non solo consentirà attacchi di coalizione nelle capitali / pantheon, ma anche la spia della coalizione.

Risposta da Devs:

Creeremo un compito per questa idea e penseremo a come può essere implementato nel gioco.

2. È tempo di aggiungere nuovi livelli. Alcuni giocatori stanno per raggiungere il livello 150.

Risposta da Devs:

Esamineremo le statistiche e quindi prenderemo la decisione.

3. I giocatori più esperti non possono partecipare ai Tornei di Sviluppo del Phylarch e Challenge Career, poiché hanno già migliorato tutto.

Risposta da Devs:

Possiamo nascondere il torneo per quei giocatori che hanno già aggiornato la loro Città / Filosofia. Stiamo ora indagando su come sarebbe meglio risolvere questa situazione.


Adăugați o caracteristică care să permită nu numai atacurile de coaliție asupra capitalelor / panteonilor, ci și spionajul Coaliției.

Răspunsul Devs:

Vom crea o sarcină pentru această idee și vom gândi cum poate fi implementată în joc.

2. Este timpul să adăugați noi niveluri. Unii jucători se apropie de nivelul 150.

Răspunsul Devs:

Vom verifica statisticile și vom lua decizia.

3. Majoritatea jucătorilor cu experiență nu pot participa la turneele Challenge Development și Phylarch Challenge deoarece au îmbunătățit totul deja.

Răspunsul Devs:

Putem ascunde Turneul pentru acei jucători care și-au îmbunătățit deja orașul / Phylarchul. Investigăm acum cum ar fi mai bine să rezolvăm această situație.


 1. Sadece Başkentlere / Panteonlara Yönelik Koalisyon Saldırılarına değil, Koalisyon casusluğuna da izin verecek bir özellik ekleyin.

Devs'in Cevabı:

Bu fikir için bir görev yaratacağız ve oyunda nasıl uygulanabileceğini düşüneceğiz.

2. Yeni Seviyeler eklemenin zamanı geldi. Bazı oyuncular 150 seviyesine ulaşmaya yakın.

Devs'in Cevabı:

İstatistikleri kontrol edip kararı vereceğiz.

3. Tecrübeli oyuncuların çoğu zaten her şeyi geliştirdikleri için Geliştirme Yarışması ve Phylarch Challenge Turnuvalarında yer alamazlar.

Devs'in Cevabı:

Zaten Şehir / Phylarch'ını yükselten oyuncular için Turnuvaları saklayabiliriz. Şimdi bu durumu nasıl çözebileceğimizi araştırıyoruz.

I hope this helps

13 янв. 2019, 04:3713.01.19


New players can most certainly purchase a trio of legendary IV coffers/keys with drachma.  However, there has been many low level players who have received almost full sets of legendary IVs, so I'd like to end the notion that must be only a rumor with the following screenshot.

Lvl 31 with 6 Legendary IV and  2 Rare IV general gear

RED said:

 I am not sure that everyone with low level will experience this because all new players I talk to they never seen a legendary IV this must be only a rumor.

Those small level players which they upgrade their gear can be by investing Drachma and depending on their signed Agreements they can purchase those items as they available to everyone from :

General get equipment

Available Coffers to get

Available Keys to get

As long as players choose they can get any keys and coffers at the class IV and as legendary pack.

13 янв. 2019, 04:4013.01.19


I agree, the coalition chests are a very welcome reward.  I'm just asking that the discard feature currently available to coffers in your inventory, also be made available to general items in the inventory as well.

RED said:

The chests are a welcome reward towards all coalition members and they at random given and most of the players when they buy any packages they select the one containing a chest as a reward towards their coalition member.
Most of coalitions members use this feature as a way to gift other members of same coalition.

Depending on the strategy many players use boosts to break equipment and always an available choice to discard any unopened coffers is offered.

The beauty of this is that in a coalition players love to have the ability to gift other members as those chests are available to those who are active and able to pick them in the time limit provided as they will expire if they are not claimed.


14 янв. 2019, 14:1514.01.19

I do agree that a way to discard also equipment can be introduce and the easier way is to have the ability to drag them in store and then discard them  if you wish to do so similar to the process done with the coffers.

I will pass over this to the developers and I am sure they will look into it and find a way if possible.

17 янв. 2019, 14:0317.01.19

Hello, Archons!

First of all, reward a player receives in a Coalition Chest has nothing to do with a player's level. It's absolutely random.

The idea with discard option for Hero Equipment will be a very useful feature indeed. I will forward it to devs. Still, I can't guarantee it will be implemented.
18 янв. 2019, 06:1818.01.19
Thank you Alina for forwarding the suggestion to the developers.  It is most appreciated!  Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

Alina Phoenix said:

Hello, Archons!

First of all, reward a player receives in a Coalition Chest has nothing to do with a player's level. It's absolutely random.

The idea with discard option for Hero Equipment will be a very useful feature indeed. I will forward it to devs. Still, I can't guarantee it will be implemented.

18 янв. 2019, 14:4918.01.19

videre said:

Thank you Alina for forwarding the suggestion to the developers.  It is most appreciated!  Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

Alina Phoenix said:

Hello, Archons!

First of all, reward a player receives in a Coalition Chest has nothing to do with a player's level. It's absolutely random.

The idea with discard option for Hero Equipment will be a very useful feature indeed. I will forward it to devs. Still, I can't guarantee it will be implemented.

Thanks, Archon!

21 янв. 2019, 17:3221.01.19

Alina Phoenix said:

December Feedback

3. The majority of experienced players can't take part in Phylarch Challenge Tournaments as they have upgraded everything already.

Devs' Answer:

We can hide Tournament for those players who upgraded their Phylarch already. We're investigating now how would be better to solve this situation.

You can add 2-3 new Level skills to Phylarch Amphitheater.

Also you can add a Chariot to General that we can upgrade it with new items as reward from playing Positions.

22 янв. 2019, 11:3722.01.19


Alina Phoenix said:

December Feedback

3. The majority of experienced players can't take part in Phylarch Challenge Tournaments as they have upgraded everything already.

Devs' Answer:

We can hide Tournament for those players who upgraded their Phylarch already. We're investigating now how would be better to solve this situation.

You can add 2-3 new Level skills to Phylarch Amphitheater.

Also you can add a Chariot to General that we can upgrade it with new items as reward from playing Positions.


> You can add 2-3 new Level skills to Phylarch Amphitheater.

Yes, we can and devs plan to do so ;) In the future, you will be able to spend your Phylarch points!

> Also you can add a Chariot to General that we can upgrade it with new items as reward from playing Positions.

Can you give more details on this point please?

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