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Suggest improvements to the in-game guide and win Drachmas!Suggest improvements to the in-game guide and win Drachmas!

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Suggest improvements to the in-game guide and win Drachmas!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
26 янв. 2015, 17:5426.01.15

Suggest improvements to the in-game guide and win Drachmas!


Our Ephors have begun work on improvements to the Sparta: War of Empires in-game guide, as it has become slightly outdated over time.

Please post comments below if you can think of any topics or issues they should work on.

The 5 Archons contributing the most constructive propositions shall recieve 1000 Drachmas each.

The results will be announced beneath this post on Monday, February 2nd.

26 янв. 2015, 22:0826.01.15

I think you misunderstood, topic is "Suggest improvements to the in-game guide" not the game itself

27 янв. 2015, 00:2427.01.15

I think...


There should be 1 Denari Mills so the player know how to earn their Denari from COlonies or in city own Denari Mills productions.

If the game keep expanding to hire other mercenary than roman should give a guide about how to build and start farming the coin to hire mercenary.

there should be novice colonies for the new player...the colonies only give out 100 drachmas or denari that toke about 2 days to harvest without being conquer so the player can enjoy a briefing of how to earn this item when the vault empty and start planning on conquer the world vault.

some achievement should be added such as:

City Defend achievement

Drachmas/Denari vault harvest in game




27 янв. 2015, 04:3427.01.15

Sorry for another wall of text.

First, I think the ephors should focus on updating the guide to include newer features (e.g. political units, new ways of earning dominion points), or other features that are not in the guide (e.g. hidden paths). They could mention the Wheel of Fortune and give a list of possible discounts.

Second, they should work on transparency for multiple issues. I recommend emphasizing the importance of the acropolis's protection. The current wording makes it sound bad for a player to hide his units and have them be "unable to participate in your city's defense". When I was a new player, I questioned the value of leaving my city open to every raid when I had defensive units available, which sounded great for defense. Also, it is unclear on how fortifications actually work. Are they a flat defensive bonus or does it provide a percentage bonus to each defensive unit? If so, what exactly is that value? 1% for every 1000 city defense? The wording makes it sound like an individual bonus to all defensive units, but the indicator for city defense makes it look like a flat bonus for the city's total defense.

Add a note to the agreements section that each agreement also requires the agreements before it. I have seen far too many players spend their first 200 GPs on Sparta articles when they have not unlocked Argos, regardless of the warning that pops up when trying to buy those articles. This also applies to the other articles, but it is more of a visual problem with the agreements screen than it is a guide issue.

Add screenshots of rewards for the global quest and all level brackets for the PVP quest. This should give players an idea of whether or not they should focus on leveling and moving to the next bracket, or toning down their experience gain. The differences in point thresholds are dramatic between masters and experts. An unprepared player who does a lot of divine quests can easily find himself in the expert bracket without a suitable army to reach the 35K points required for the best reward or even the 8K points for the intermediate reward. This is a huge, unexpected jump from the 12k required in masters. Also mention that PVP quests start every Friday and global quests begin approximately every 4 weeks.

Third, there could be an advanced tab regarding certain techniques or procedures.

Strongly advise players to pull their offensive forces from a colony after they take one and mention that colonies are visible to all nearby players with a tholos.

Explain the weekly 50k cap for raiding cities. Possibly include the raiding trick (or mention the existence of such secrets). Also mention that players can only send articles or resources to their friends twice a day.

I think the guide should contain basic information for new players, with the inclusion of in-depth information for experienced players (especially the PVP quest reward brackets).

27 янв. 2015, 08:5527.01.15

Archons, thank you for your ideas!

Lelex, PrimeGuardian, thank you for suggestions about the game, however at the moment I am looking for propositions for the in-game guide improvement, where players can find more information about different objects, items and processes (e.g. Buildings, Units, Quests).

You can find the icon 'Guide' on the top menu bar inside the game.

Ephors and me are looking forward to new replies.

29 янв. 2015, 04:5229.01.15
29 янв. 2015, 04:57(отредактировано)

Basileus Leonidas said:

Archons, thank you for your ideas!

Lelex, PrimeGuardian, thank you for suggestions about the game, however at the moment I am looking for propositions for the in-game guide improvement, where players can find more information about different objects, items and processes (e.g. Buildings, Units, Quests).

You can find the icon 'Guide' on the top menu bar inside the game.

Ephors and me are looking forward to new replies.

i know but the guide all about letter and it kinda bored read so much words

if only there is picture or simple photo to show the stuff then it should be interesting to read.

i really think the guide should be simple but direct to the point of helping us to understanding the each topic located in the guide.

some calculation offensive+defensive guide should be implented to tell player what the unit offensive/defensive capable of when using them.

guide about benefit using champion or even the city defend....till now i dont understand how the number use when build so much wall...tower can kill but wall not useful when most of player didn't train defensive unit because they only....eat more die fast.


3 фев. 2015, 17:2803.02.15

Archons, thank you for your replies!

I sent 1000 Drachmas to TheElitePhantom, NastyBengal and Spartan206 for the most constructive propositions.


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