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Plarium latest reward for legacy 8yrs. Did not give the upgrade sketches.Plarium latest reward for legacy 8yrs. Did not give the upgrade sketches.

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Plarium latest reward for legacy 8yrs. Did not give the upgrade sketches.

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15 июнь 2017, 15:1315.06.17

Plarium latest reward for legacy 8yrs. Did not give the upgrade sketches.

I collected the latest gift reward from plarium the other day, which was meant to include 50 upgrade sketches. But never received them does anybody know why? I have checked with the rest of the the coalition and nobody else received upgrade sketches either. I know it is basically a gift, but Plarium should honour what they say we will receive. Upgrade sketches are hard enough to come by anyway, so I and my coalition were looking forward to them, but no, none of us received them... Please look into this plarium.
15 июнь 2017, 17:5315.06.17
15 июнь 2017, 18:56(отредактировано)

rob.dowdall said:

I collected the latest gift reward from plarium the other day, which was meant to include 50 upgrade sketches. But never received them does anybody know why? I have checked with the rest of the the coalition and nobody else received upgrade sketches either. I know it is basically a gift, but Plarium should honour what they say we will receive. Upgrade sketches are hard enough to come by anyway, so I and my coalition were looking forward to them, but no, none of us received them... Please look into this plarium.

We now have multiple reports of inconsistencies both in the 8x PP Legacy tournament as well as with Legacy Gift reward. Please contact Customer Support and let them know of this issue, the more reports they receive (and the more detailed these are), the quicker they might be able to locate this problem.



PS: Just to be sure - you are aware that these sketches are placed in the market and need to be retrieved there?
16 июнь 2017, 08:0916.06.17
Yes, I know that these gifts are put into the market for collection there, but it was not received. The process to submit a ticket is too time consuming and geared up for phone users, and as I use a P.C. to play this is not helpful. It would be better if we could just click a button in game to submit a ticket, that way it is linked to our account.
16 июнь 2017, 08:1816.06.17

rob.dowdall said:

Yes, I know that these gifts are put into the market for collection there, but it was not received. The process to submit a ticket is too time consuming and geared up for phone users, and as I use a P.C. to play this is not helpful. It would be better if we could just click a button in game to submit a ticket, that way it is linked to our account.

I agree that the ticketing system access is in some respect suboptimal and it takes more time to create one than needed. If you do find the time though, it would not only get you 50 sketches (I know that's not the world, but still :-), but also help others who might have had the same issue. Customer Support is usually thankful when multiple tickets help pinpoint a problem and (I assume) issues that trigger more CS tickets will be handled with priority since they impact a greater no. of users,


16 июнь 2017, 17:1516.06.17
Now Plarium gives a second legacy gift, and again the second lot of 50 upgrade sketches are missing. Just proof that Plarium don't honour what they say. We have now received 2 Legacy gifts, and the upgrade sketches missing twice. You think after the first gift failed to give the sketches that they would have sorted it out by the time they released the second gift. And yes, I checked in the market.
20 июнь 2017, 11:1020.06.17
rob.dowdall said:

Now Plarium gives a second legacy gift, and again the second lot of 50 upgrade sketches are missing. Just proof that Plarium don't honour what they say. We have now received 2 Legacy gifts, and the upgrade sketches missing twice. You think after the first gift failed to give the sketches that they would have sorted it out by the time they released the second gift. And yes, I checked in the market.
Rob, please try contacting our Support team at https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new so they can check what happened.