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Server 1 messed up, or just me?Server 1 messed up, or just me?

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Server 1 messed up, or just me?

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23 май 2017, 12:2023.05.17

Server 1 messed up, or just me?

It's just after 12 UTC, and my FB platform with Glorious Valley is wonky as can be. Stuff won't function properly, lots of error messages. Others having this problem, or is it just my account? (I've sumbitted a message to support, but am curious if it's something just I have to wait to be fixed, or if it's server wide.
23 май 2017, 13:1223.05.17
Ike said:

It's just after 12 UTC, and my FB platform with Glorious Valley is wonky as can be. Stuff won't function properly, lots of error messages. Others having this problem, or is it just my account? (I've sumbitted a message to support, but am curious if it's something just I have to wait to be fixed, or if it's server wide.
for me today it's working  fine on server 1 ,but not done so much 
23 май 2017, 18:5623.05.17

I think there was a short disturbance in the force but our Jedi Warriors resolved it fast

24 май 2017, 01:3524.05.17
Yup, it was better in about half an hour. Thanks for the confirmation.