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Game Not Loading... Again

Game Not Loading... Again

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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19 май 2017, 12:2319.05.17

Game Not Loading... Again

Game cant finish loading - Progress freezes at 80%

Have cleared cache

Have Cleared Cookies

Have Loaded latest version of Flash Player

Have Restarted Browser

Have Restarted Computer

Still not working...
19 май 2017, 12:3919.05.17

Some players (and mods) are having difficulties as well, depending on the region. Seems it's a host problem.

PS: Working again from here (Western Europe)
19 май 2017, 12:5219.05.17
boisdejustice said:

Game cant finish loading - Progress freezes at 80%

Have cleared cache

Have Cleared Cookies

Have Loaded latest version of Flash Player

Have Restarted Browser

Have Restarted Computer

Still not working...
Log out then back in, it often helps  
20 май 2017, 12:3620.05.17

I have played the game for well over a year...

all the common tricks

Logging out

Clearing cache

Restarting browser

Restarting windows

Updating Flash Player

I tried before posting here...

Game is back to working... well sort of.  Whatever "upgrade" Plarium made is not really doing the trick.

The game keeps kicking out of full screen mode and update of any pop-up window fails... you have to open it, close it and reopen it for it to update

Game also freezes regularly so I need to reload.  Give Plarium coders a D-minus grade on latest revision.

20 май 2017, 12:4920.05.17
Try another browser ...  like internet explorer ..or maxthon 
20 май 2017, 16:5420.05.17

Should I buy a different brand computer and change Internet provider as well?

I already run it on two different Browsers to have reasonable availability. Adding a third one seems ridiculous... If Plarium cannot make their program work properly on Firefox or Chrome then there is something wrong with their programming skills.  If they limited it to run on Maxthon they would have 6 customers left in the United States :)

I do appreciate the advice but I don't want to load another Browser and open another security breach in my firewall. Each Browser has known security issues the more different ones you use the better the chance that you'll get hacked.
20 май 2017, 17:1120.05.17

Richard said:

Should I buy a different brand computer and change Internet provider as well?

I already run it on two different Browsers to have reasonable availability. Adding a third one seems ridiculous... If Plarium cannot make their program work properly on Firefox or Chrome then there is something wrong with their programming skills.  If they limited it to run on Maxthon they would have 6 customers left in the United States :)

I do appreciate the advice but I don't want to load another Browser and open another security breach in my firewall. Each Browser has known security issues the more different ones you use the better the chance that you'll get hacked.

If you are having issues with all browsers, perhaps you should check network settings: proxy, firewall, connection speeds and reliability, and related. Have you spoken with Customer Support? Have they asked or you provided a HAR and/or FireBug file? Ir not, please contact them to narrow down the problem.


20 май 2017, 17:5720.05.17

Richard said:

Should I buy a different brand computer and change Internet provider as well?

I already run it on two different Browsers to have reasonable availability. Adding a third one seems ridiculous... If Plarium cannot make their program work properly on Firefox or Chrome then there is something wrong with their programming skills.  If they limited it to run on Maxthon they would have 6 customers left in the United States :)

I do appreciate the advice but I don't want to load another Browser and open another security breach in my firewall. Each Browser has known security issues the more different ones you use the better the chance that you'll get hacked.

For me it isn't working    on firefox ...    with maxthon had some problems  only trying to buy an pack ..  that were resolved using internet explorer ..because of that i  told you about those two  browsers :) 

p.s. it's all about personal preferences but i  think Maxthon it's the best browser available now :) 
21 май 2017, 04:1521.05.17

I kind of agree with Richard... asking customers to change their net environment to suit one application seems like upside down marketing.  I don't think there is anything wrong with any Browser and I have no issues using Firefox for anything EXCEPT this game. I think Firefox has by far the best Ad Blocker available so they get my vote.  Having to switch the Chrome to play this game is a PITA. 

Having played for about 18 months I know that Plarium regularly launches untested upgrades that cause havoc with the Browsers.  After 3-4 days they get bugs fixed and the game runs OK again.

There is a lot of c..p on the game screens that makes the game difficult to play because it slows down loading.  In particular the Tribute graphics with the moving click areas and the infuriating tech trees (Academy and Amphitheater) that provide no real useful info but just eat up massive amounts of time when loading.

The game seems to work OK for short periods of time (15-20 minutes) but freezes up too often.  I still see the problem with the sub windows not updating on first load attempt and frequently being kicked out of full screen mode.  The Browser window mode is absolutely unplayable.... every entry takes several minutes to update.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
22 май 2017, 09:3922.05.17
boisdejustice said:

I kind of agree with Richard... asking customers to change their net environment to suit one application seems like upside down marketing.  I don't think there is anything wrong with any Browser and I have no issues using Firefox for anything EXCEPT this game. I think Firefox has by far the best Ad Blocker available so they get my vote.  Having to switch the Chrome to play this game is a PITA. 

Having played for about 18 months I know that Plarium regularly launches untested upgrades that cause havoc with the Browsers.  After 3-4 days they get bugs fixed and the game runs OK again.

There is a lot of c..p on the game screens that makes the game difficult to play because it slows down loading.  In particular the Tribute graphics with the moving click areas and the infuriating tech trees (Academy and Amphitheater) that provide no real useful info but just eat up massive amounts of time when loading.

The game seems to work OK for short periods of time (15-20 minutes) but freezes up too often.  I still see the problem with the sub windows not updating on first load attempt and frequently being kicked out of full screen mode.  The Browser window mode is absolutely unplayable.... every entry takes several minutes to update.
Hi! Are you still having issues? 
4 июль 2018, 21:4104.07.18
The game is not loading. Its stuck at 83 %. Logout Login. Try different browser still the same ... Anyone having the same issue ...