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fortification bonus?fortification bonus?

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fortification bonus?

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15 май 2017, 09:1615.05.17

fortification bonus?

Hi all

Why i don't see fortification bonus in my units stats ? like i see akanthos, equipped items e.t.c? 

Thank you 


15 май 2017, 09:3115.05.17

Dasos said:

Hi all

Why i don't see fortification bonus in my units stats ? like i see akanthos, equipped items e.t.c? 

Thank you 


Because it does not apply to a unit in general but rather only under certain conditions, such defending a city. 


15 май 2017, 10:0615.05.17

from wiki: Active Defense - Towers and Units are considered Active Defense. This means that when an enemy attacks, they will engage the enemies and all defense bonuses will be applied. How much bonus will give in numbers 2% 4% they cost gold and will be nice to see what you buy! 

one more question, next to generals photo it says city defense bonus lets say 1000, it means like the defense strength of 2 or 3 defense units?
15 май 2017, 11:1015.05.17

Hi dasos, 

the value of the defense bonus of your city gives additionnal bonus to troops defending your city (your troops and troop of your friends helping you)

i the defense bonus is 10000, it means units have 100% more defense value when defending your city. 

For example my city def bonus is 8812 it means that a bonus of 88.12% is apply to all units when defending my city.

This bonus apply only in city.

Hope it help

good game

15 май 2017, 12:0715.05.17

manu said:

Hi dasos, 

the value of the defense bonus of your city gives additionnal bonus to troops defending your city (your troops and troop of your friends helping you)

i the defense bonus is 10000, it means units have 100% more defense value when defending your city. 

For example my city def bonus is 8812 it means that a bonus of 88.12% is apply to all units when defending my city.

This bonus apply only in city.

Hope it help

good game


Hi Manu 

and thank you, one more , a tower alone has any strength? with no units to cover it?

15 май 2017, 12:1315.05.17

Dasos said:

from wiki: Active Defense - Towers and Units are considered Active Defense. This means that when an enemy attacks, they will engage the enemies and all defense bonuses will be applied. How much bonus will give in numbers 2% 4% they cost gold and will be nice to see what you buy! 

one more question, next to generals photo it says city defense bonus lets say 1000, it means like the defense strength of 2 or 3 defense units?

Every 100 city defence points will add 1% boost to your city defences, therefore 9067 points ...

... will enhance defence by 90%.

Or, for example, 20 level 5 towers (20 x 5.000) will boost city defence by 50% (20 x 5.000) / 100 = 50[%].


16 май 2017, 09:3016.05.17

Hi Dasos,

regarding tower and wall bonus, if my memory is right you must have at least a javel out of acropolis in your city. As it's a bonus for troop, the defense bonus of the towers alone is nothing regarding stenght of an attack.

before build or upgrade your towers & walls, as it cost some drachmas.... i will recommend you to  wait for discount on wheel of fortune...

good game.

16 май 2017, 10:1616.05.17

Thank you MANU !, thank you PENGUIN !  

16 май 2017, 10:5516.05.17

Dasos said:

Thank you MANU !, thank you PENGUIN !  


You're very welcome :-)

Cheers, P.