Bullies, the benefit of a good coalition and friends and how teamwork (and Patience) always wins
background to this
a team has been annoying my team for weeks now and one of their members is a rather tasty Level 91 who had a decent sized army
a few weeks back we set a defence wall at my city
he killed 4k Agaema on it (not got the screens of this still without details on it sadly)
however we knew he had around 6k Promacho's as well so we reset the wall and waited
well today he couldnt resist anymore

and THAT is how you beat a bully, there were XP points all round, losses in the wall will be rebuilt in under a week and that particular nuisance will not be hitting me or my team again anytime soon ;)
the key message here is that Sparta is very much a TEAM game, yes there are big coiners out there however they CAN be beaten with a well built defence wall, good friends and patience!