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Bullies, the benefit of a good coalition and friends and how teamwork (and Patience) always wins Bullies, the benefit of a good coalition and friends and how teamwork (and Patience) always wins

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Bullies, the benefit of a good coalition and friends and how teamwork (and Patience) always wins

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9 май 2017, 18:4509.05.17

Bullies, the benefit of a good coalition and friends and how teamwork (and Patience) always wins

background to this

a team has been annoying my team for weeks now and one of their members is a rather tasty Level 91 who had a decent sized army 

a few weeks back we set a defence wall at my city

he killed 4k Agaema on it (not got the screens of this still without details on it sadly) 

however we knew he had around 6k Promacho's as well so we reset the wall and waited 

well today he couldnt resist anymore 

and THAT is how you beat a bully, there were XP points all round, losses in the wall will be rebuilt in under a week and that particular nuisance will not be hitting me or my team again anytime soon ;)

the key message here is that Sparta is very much a TEAM game, yes there are big coiners out there however they CAN be beaten with a well built defence wall, good friends and patience! 
9 май 2017, 18:4609.05.17
9 май 2017, 18:47(отредактировано)

huge thanks goes to my team and to my friends who supported, waited and will be celebrating when they get online ;) 

and no, he didnt get through the wall! :D 
9 май 2017, 19:3509.05.17
9 май 2017, 19:36(отредактировано)
sorry to say  but that guy it's weak :))  ... "  i had the luck  " to be visited by some guys with  over 100 minotaurs  + a lot more army ...and i have a much weaker army then you  and level :) 
9 май 2017, 19:3809.05.17
we already killed thousands of his ponies, the Proms were the left overs :P
9 май 2017, 19:4209.05.17
just gone through old reports from last month, he has also killed 80 THOUSAND light units on my wall as well ;) 
9 май 2017, 19:5409.05.17
9 май 2017, 19:56(отредактировано)

morteeee said:

just gone through old reports from last month, he has also killed 80 THOUSAND light units on my wall as well ;) 

 he is an i.d.i.o.t  :)  don't know what it's youre history with him  ...but  me one i don't get his  attempts  .. it isn't worth it  to attack  any  city of active players for any    points for tournaments ...only to lose troups :) 
9 май 2017, 19:5509.05.17
he is very impulsive, is so easy to get him to attack my nice fat wall 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
10 май 2017, 09:3210.05.17
Ouch! So many Champions were lost. I hope it's worth it for him.
10 май 2017, 12:0910.05.17
10 май 2017, 12:11(отредактировано)

morteeee said:

he is very impulsive, is so easy to get him to attack my nice fat wall 

this game it's full of  guys with big egoes  and small brain :)  for example see this guy who it's threatening me because i  raided for resouces  two cities  from  my timezone besiged by his  coalliton members  wich   are all over the map sieging all the farm accounts :)) http://imgur.com/l2PdhV7

10 май 2017, 18:0510.05.17

morteeee said:

we already killed thousands of his ponies, the Proms were the left overs :P

Congrats, Morteee, 

But what would you have done if he sent 50,000 Agemas? And in this case, even if you survive, it could take months if not years to rebuild. 

Unfortunately, plarium allows backdoor for monsters like that, to say the least. That is just one of the factors that keeps discouraging decent players and eventually will lead to demise of the game. 
10 май 2017, 18:1010.05.17

Zsolt Antal said:

morteeee said:

he is very impulsive, is so easy to get him to attack my nice fat wall 

this game it's full of  guys with big egoes  and small brain :)  for example see this guy who it's threatening me because i  raided for resouces  two cities  from  my timezone besiged by his  coalliton members  wich   are all over the map sieging all the farm accounts :)) http://imgur.com/l2PdhV7

Zsolt, if you are raiding their protectorates - they have a point. If that is all about bots - they do not.  
10 май 2017, 18:3410.05.17

Mullenz said:

But what would you have done if he sent 50,000 Agemas? And in this case, even if you survive, it could take months if not years to rebuild. 

Unfortunately, plarium allows backdoor for monsters like that, to say the least. That is just one of the factors that keeps discouraging decent players and eventually will lead to demise of the game. 

We would keep restocking the defence wall til they were ALL dead and laughed our bums off at his credit card bill ;) 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
11 май 2017, 08:4011.05.17
Mullenz said:

Unfortunately, plarium allows backdoor for monsters like that, to say the least. That is just one of the factors that keeps discouraging decent players and eventually will lead to demise of the game. 
What backdoor? All players are in equal conditions in our game.
11 май 2017, 13:5211.05.17
11 май 2017, 13:55(отредактировано)
Mullenz said:

Zsolt Antal said:

morteeee said:

he is very impulsive, is so easy to get him to attack my nice fat wall 

this game it's full of  guys with big egoes  and small brain :)  for example see this guy who it's threatening me because i  raided for resouces  two cities  from  my timezone besiged by his  coalliton members  wich   are all over the map sieging all the farm accounts :)) http://imgur.com/l2PdhV7

Zsolt, if you are raiding their protectorates - they have a point. If that is all about bots - they do not.  
Mate if u want drama unnecesary with neigbhours ,move in that map zone .... At the begining , an year ago .. i was in that map zone only  with the hegemon of that coallition ... time passed  and he got a lot of minions near him ... who besiged a big part of the map ... and if i  raid   for resources .. one of the multiple cities besiged by them ..they are threatning me ...and  they do that not only in my case ..others neighbours also have problems  with them... but of course in their mind  they can raid without problem cities that i  besiged ..  they want to keep those cities for resources only for  the coallition members ..threatening all others  
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
12 май 2017, 08:2812.05.17
Zsolt Antal said:

Mate if u want drama unnecesary with neigbhours ,move in that map zone .... At the begining , an year ago .. i was in that map zone only  with the hegemon of that coallition ... time passed  and he got a lot of minions near him ... who besiged a big part of the map ... and if i  raid   for resources .. one of the multiple cities besiged by them ..they are threatning me ...and  they do that not only in my case ..others neighbours also have problems  with them... but of course in their mind  they can raid without problem cities that i  besiged ..  they want to keep those cities for resources only for  the coallition members ..threatening all others  
Some players like to 'own' other Cities to raid them later. It's an important part of gameplay for them. 
12 май 2017, 16:0712.05.17
12 май 2017, 16:07(отредактировано)
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Mullenz said:

Unfortunately, plarium allows backdoor for monsters like that, to say the least. That is just one of the factors that keeps discouraging decent players and eventually will lead to demise of the game. 
What backdoor? All players are in equal conditions in our game.
Are you telling us with straight face that those monsters paid hundreds thousands dollars/euros to buy the enormous armies they have? 
12 май 2017, 16:1512.05.17
12 май 2017, 16:16(отредактировано)

Zsolt Antal said:

Mullenz said:

Zsolt Antal said:

morteeee said:

he is very impulsive, is so easy to get him to attack my nice fat wall 

this game it's full of  guys with big egoes  and small brain :)  for example see this guy who it's threatening me because i  raided for resouces  two cities  from  my timezone besiged by his  coalliton members  wich   are all over the map sieging all the farm accounts :)) http://imgur.com/l2PdhV7

Zsolt, if you are raiding their protectorates - they have a point. If that is all about bots - they do not.  
Mate if u want drama unnecesary with neigbhours ,move in that map zone .... At the begining , an year ago .. i was in that map zone only  with the hegemon of that coallition ... time passed  and he got a lot of minions near him ... who besiged a big part of the map ... and if i  raid   for resources .. one of the multiple cities besiged by them ..they are threatning me ...and  they do that not only in my case ..others neighbours also have problems  with them... but of course in their mind  they can raid without problem cities that i  besiged ..  they want to keep those cities for resources only for  the coallition members ..threatening all others  

And that is exactly what happens during wars - food-chain fighting. Even in the same army - they compete  for the resources. That is why you had to think strategically and claim at least some of the cities. And also, forge formal and informal alliances. 

I know the feeling, my friend from my coalition refused to claim surrounding cities: "lets not unmask them". As a result, newcomers started doing that. It took more efforts to  handle the problem.

Sorry, brother, but it is your fault that you did not predict the situation.  Deal with it now. Talk to the hedge, at least
13 май 2017, 09:0213.05.17
knigochey said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Mullenz said:

Unfortunately, plarium allows backdoor for monsters like that, to say the least. That is just one of the factors that keeps discouraging decent players and eventually will lead to demise of the game. 
What backdoor? All players are in equal conditions in our game.
Are you telling us with straight face that those monsters paid hundreds thousands dollars/euros to buy the enormous armies they have? 
actually I do know a couple of people like this, they spend huge amounts of money in the game, at the end of the day it's their choice what they choose to spend their money on 
13 май 2017, 22:2713.05.17
When someone visits with 70,000 promachos or 50,000 agema,  that's a huge hit.  
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
15 май 2017, 08:4015.05.17
knigochey said:

Are you telling us with straight face that those monsters paid hundreds thousands dollars/euros to buy the enormous armies they have? 
I don't have any information about the way those particular players obtained their Units. However, as you know, our game suggests several ways to receive them: train, win, use in-app purchases.