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Hermes TempleHermes Temple

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Hermes Temple

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6 май 2017, 11:5106.05.17

Hermes Temple

  Only for me it's  hard to reach and keep it to level 6  if u are an active player ??   

It will be fun that   we shouldn't go to level  1 at every political attack :(

For instance  today it's the first time i went to level 6  :) 


6 май 2017, 12:3606.05.17
its to encourage you to defend your city 
6 май 2017, 13:2106.05.17

I don't mind that much that Hermes is downgraded during a raid or siege, it's - as Morteeee said - one reason to defend one's city, pretty much the only one :-). What I would change if I could, is the ability of PAs to damage both Hermes and fortifications. IMO it's enough that Greeks kill overnight builds.


6 май 2017, 14:0306.05.17
6 май 2017, 14:04(отредактировано)

The Irate Penguin said:

I don't mind that much that Hermes is downgraded during a raid or siege, it's - as Morteeee said - one reason to defend one's city, pretty much the only one :-). What I would change if I could, is the ability of PAs to damage both Hermes and fortifications. IMO it's enough that Greeks kill overnight builds.


I have the same opinion , all the time i received an PA .. my Hermes  was down ..not fun ..

 How can u defend something u didn't see it coming Morteeee ?? :))

8 май 2017, 07:0708.05.17

Zsolt Antal said:

  Only for me it's  hard to reach and keep it to level 6  if u are an active player ??   

It will be fun that   we shouldn't go to level  1 at every political attack :(

For instance  today it's the first time i went to level 6  :) 


I feel you there! It's been quite some time since my Hermes is permanently level 1 due to a couple long wars my coaition has engaged in!

And yes those politicals are mean!

Lucky you that got your Hermes to level 6. Something tells me it will be a long time until mine gets to level 6 again! 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
8 май 2017, 10:4608.05.17
Zsolt Antal said:

  Only for me it's  hard to reach and keep it to level 6  if u are an active player ??   

It will be fun that   we shouldn't go to level  1 at every political attack :(

For instance  today it's the first time i went to level 6  :) 


It's not an easy task indeed. You need to prove to your neighbors that attacking you may cause some issues ;) Or build a wall and ask your Coalition to help you. However, You'll be an attractive target for PvP then :)
8 май 2017, 10:5308.05.17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Zsolt Antal said:

  Only for me it's  hard to reach and keep it to level 6  if u are an active player ??   

It will be fun that   we shouldn't go to level  1 at every political attack :(

For instance  today it's the first time i went to level 6  :) 


It's not an easy task indeed. You need to prove to your neighbors that attacking you may cause some issues ;) Or build a wall and ask your Coalition to help you. However, You'll be an attractive target for PvP then :)

  It's an imposible task if he it's destroyed at every political attack :))

My temple was down in    like 10 hours after i made this post ,somebody with high level sent on my city an  PA  because he is angry on my coallition and he visit a lot of our membres :)