pantheon massacre,pantheon takeover,coalition capital showdown,development and pp tournament...but no pvp anyway....and tomorrow will one more start,some may madness....are you sure,Alyona,you didnt forget some more tournament to be in same time?with what troops you think we can play all that in the same time?
Drag-Theseus said:
Tonaya said:
You would rather play without any torunament? Because I remember that time (start of this game) when there were no tournaments.. you were only raiding and hitting your neighbors..reward was in resources from raid.pantheon massacre,pantheon takeover,coalition capital showdown,development and pp tournament...but no pvp anyway....and tomorrow will one more start,some may madness....are you sure,Alyona,you didnt forget some more tournament to be in same time?with what troops you think we can play all that in the same time?
i said million times,and suggested as well what i want and what is fair,but its not enough to ask million times i see,maybe million +1 will work?
mixed tournaments:
1.PVP+EXP tournament
2.PP+EXP tournament
3.Longer develop tournament...
all that i suggested many times,my suggestions are or ignored,or declined,there is no third option.
ps pantheon massacre+pantheon showdown+PP......and no pvp? what you think,we are all brainless here?
one more time to explain to all of you moderators: Tonaya ask Alyona,not moderators,when i want to ask moderators,i will address my question to moderators,here is one example to see how it looks like:
Drag-theseus:"You would rather play without any torunament? Because I remember that time (start of this game) when there were no tournaments.. you were only raiding and hitting your neighbors..reward was in resources from raid.
I'm just Time Lord...."
Dear "moderator" Drag-theseus,do you remember when there was every weekend pvp tournament with double more troops as rewards,and every other week pp tournament with double more troops rewards?
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