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Armor quadrant stuckArmor quadrant stuck

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Armor quadrant stuck

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
28 апр. 2017, 23:3428.04.17

Armor quadrant stuck

I cannot move any of the armor or chests in the upper right quadrant of the general window.  I have to break whats there and let the game replace it from a position raid.  Small thing but a thing broken none the less. 
29 апр. 2017, 07:2329.04.17

Teeth said:

I cannot move any of the armor or chests in the upper right quadrant of the general window.  I have to break whats there and let the game replace it from a position raid.  Small thing but a thing broken none the less. 

Good morning Teeth:

I just tested this and have a similar issue regarding four slots in the top right corner of general's unassigned equipment slots:

I am able to move equipment out of these four slots (see red markings) but not back in. Note also the "x" icon which (falsely) reports that no item may be dropped here. 

Teeth, please do the following

  1. Just to be sure, clear your cache and reload the page, perhaps some fix has been introduced in the meantime.

  2. Report this issue to Customer Support, explaining the issue and providing screen shots if possible.

I will be reporting this to Support as well. Many thanks for your efforts!



30 апр. 2017, 21:1130.04.17

What is the use of the Bug Reports room in the forum?  Why would anyone post something here rather than reporting it to the support team?  Just asking.

30 апр. 2017, 21:2830.04.17

rbradburke said:

What is the use of the Bug Reports room in the forum?  Why would anyone post something here rather than reporting it to the support team?  Just asking.

Good evening rbradburke:

Mostly because not every "bug" is a bug: quite often, especially inexperienced players, will misinterpret some occurrence as a bug, simply because they are in the process of learning the game.

Also, at times workarounds might be available, and even if not, comparing notes on possible bugs does often tend to narrow down the issue.

In addition, it is also useful to separate bugs that affect a great many or all players from those that occur only under very specific conditions, and it is probably simpler for moderators to catch this early.

Finally, it usually takes some time, between finding a bug and implementing a fix, and moderators might be able to head off Customer Support queries at the pass, informing the player that the issue is known and a fix is on the way.
