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28 апр. 2017, 19:1528.04.17

More questions

They just seem to keep popping up. :)

1. Is there an explanation or discussion anywhere that explains how coalition members join together to make an attack on a pantheon?

2. Are any PvP xp earned for defeating towers in another city? and likewise for the new unit xps?

3. Is there any guideline or advice for how much value your off or def units should have to profitably attack each level of position? I'm a little guy, so I'm interested in recommendations for positions at the 20-25 level.

thanks in advance, as always.
28 апр. 2017, 20:0528.04.17

An attack in which more than one player can participate subject to a maximum of 3 players and also being in the same coalition, is called a coalition attack. The attack can be on either a pantheon or a capital. The coordinater of the attack(the attacker) must be reinforced with the troops of the other players for him/her to send the attack. The Attacker must atleast be Standard Bearer in Rank to do a coalition attack(others must not be so). When the attacker chooses a pantheon/capital to attack, he would see on the top right corner an option to do a coalition attack. When he clicks on it, he is directed to select which all players who have sent him reinforcements are allowed to participate in the attack(maximum 2 excluding the player himself). He then gets to choose the units to attack, which also includes the units of the players he choose to attack with. The attack would reach anywhere in hellas within 1 hour.

Killing towers do reward Pvp Points. Its life is known as the defense power it holds. For example, level 1 tower has 50 defense, level 5 tower has 250 defense (The second part of new unit xps i didnt understand, please elaborate).

To kill persian position with minimal loss value in offense or defense you must first calculate the defense or offense power of the persian position yourself. To calculate for offensive positions Add up all the light,heavy,phalanx and cavalry defense of total units separately. Then hit the position with that offensive unit against which the position has the lowest defense against. For defensive positions scout the position and check which all group of units attack the most(light,heavy,phalanx or cavalry), then check the stats of your own units and see which have a higher bonus against the particular group and send those.

Hope it helped
28 апр. 2017, 22:0428.04.17

thank you!

As for 'new unit xps', I was referring to the new feature of the game (in FB at least), where each unit group (eg, reg, vet, and imp thureophores) get xp for that group when fighting. But if the archon gets xp from towers, I suspect the units do too.
28 апр. 2017, 23:2428.04.17
follow up question. I have a feeling this is pretty dumb, but how do you see what is in a Persian position, offensive or defensive? I can't find any option to send scouts.
29 апр. 2017, 01:5929.04.17
29 апр. 2017, 02:00(отредактировано)

Hello IKE.

We cant use scouts . But we can get scout reports.  It is easy.  For offense positions, send 1 hero or 1 soldier. For defense positions, send 1 jav.  You will get a report. Then you can see the amount of troops at the PP.  Good luck! 

29 апр. 2017, 02:1629.04.17
aha! Thank you!
29 апр. 2017, 04:2129.04.17
Ike said:

thank you!

As for 'new unit xps', I was referring to the new feature of the game (in FB at least), where each unit group (eg, reg, vet, and imp thureophores) get xp for that group when fighting. But if the archon gets xp from towers, I suspect the units do too.
Sorry, I dont know about that feature.
29 апр. 2017, 13:1529.04.17

ashishjoseph22 said:

Ike said:

thank you!

As for 'new unit xps', I was referring to the new feature of the game (in FB at least), where each unit group (eg, reg, vet, and imp thureophores) get xp for that group when fighting. But if the archon gets xp from towers, I suspect the units do too.
Sorry, I dont know about that feature.

Yes it's a new feature added yesterday on FB server. It's pretty interesting in my opinion! 

It will be added to plarium server too, don't know how much time it will take though!

Once it's released of plarium.com server you will learn more. 

29 апр. 2017, 14:2929.04.17
Yes, quite a complicated addition, but lots of fun, imo. I know my coalition is going crazy upping the levels of their unit-producing buildings now, lol.
29 апр. 2017, 14:3329.04.17

Ike said:

Yes, quite a complicated addition, but lots of fun, imo. I know my coalition is going crazy upping the levels of their unit-producing buildings now, lol.

Unit production speed is on everyone's short-list, small wonder :-). Together with unit off and def strengths, these go to the core of the game.


29 апр. 2017, 14:3529.04.17
Just thought of a new question about the new game addition: why don't units get unit experience when they defend a pantheon against Persians? TIA
29 апр. 2017, 14:4329.04.17

Ike said:

Just thought of a new question about the new game addition: why don't units get unit experience when they defend a pantheon against Persians? TIA

I didn't know they didn't :-). One of the FB mods will have to field this one, I haven't read up on this since it doesn't impact me, I'm one of the working poor on a plarium.com server ;-).


30 апр. 2017, 13:0530.04.17
ashishjoseph22 said:

An attack in which more than one player can participate subject to a maximum of 3 players and also being in the same coalition, is called a coalition attack. The attack can be on either a pantheon or a capital. The coordinater of the attack(the attacker) must be reinforced with the troops of the other players for him/her to send the attack. The Attacker must atleast be Standard Bearer in Rank to do a coalition attack(others must not be so). When the attacker chooses a pantheon/capital to attack, he would see on the top right corner an option to do a coalition attack. When he clicks on it, he is directed to select which all players who have sent him reinforcements are allowed to participate in the attack(maximum 2 excluding the player himself). He then gets to choose the units to attack, which also includes the units of the players he choose to attack with. The attack would reach anywhere in hellas within 1 hour.

Killing towers do reward Pvp Points. Its life is known as the defense power it holds. For example, level 1 tower has 50 defense, level 5 tower has 250 defense (The second part of new unit xps i didnt understand, please elaborate).

To kill persian position with minimal loss value in offense or defense you must first calculate the defense or offense power of the persian position yourself. To calculate for offensive positions Add up all the light,heavy,phalanx and cavalry defense of total units separately. Then hit the position with that offensive unit against which the position has the lowest defense against. For defensive positions scout the position and check which all group of units attack the most(light,heavy,phalanx or cavalry), then check the stats of your own units and see which have a higher bonus against the particular group and send those.

Hope it helped
I've been working on this, but have a problem, maybe simply because I'm small. Right now, the military value of my def units is about 500K (off is about 300K, but that's another story). So if I figure out the best type of def units to send, I will typically only be able to send about 125K military vaule (since there are 4 unit types). Can't attack much with that, right? and how do I determine just what level of position I can attack wisely, with, e.g., just 125K military value for my participating def units?
30 апр. 2017, 13:1330.04.17

Ike said:

I've been working on this, but have a problem, maybe simply because I'm small. Right now, the military value of my def units is about 500K (off is about 300K, but that's another story). So if I figure out the best type of def units to send, I will typically only be able to send about 125K military vaule (since there are 4 unit types). Can't attack much with that, right? and how do I determine just what level of position I can attack wisely, with, e.g., just 125K military value for my participating def units?

Are you aware of the Persians Position Table in the SWOE Wiki? It will give you a good feel as to what it requires to attack/defend a Persian Position. And if you'll allow me to add m2cw: multiply that value by 5 which will give you a sense as to what PP level you shjpuld be engaging.


30 апр. 2017, 18:1430.04.17
That's great! Thanks so much.  I don't understand the multiply by 5 recommendation though--multiply the position level? multiply my military strength? and as a general aid, does the 5x recommendation mean I should attack higher or lower level positions, lol? TIA
30 апр. 2017, 18:3330.04.17
30 апр. 2017, 18:38(отредактировано)

Ike said:

That's great! Thanks so much.  I don't understand the multiply by 5 recommendation though--multiply the position level? multiply my military strength? and as a general aid, does the 5x recommendation mean I should attack higher or lower level positions, lol? TIA

Guess it was a bit cryptic, apologies :-). What I was attempting to convey is that, at least IMHO, you should avoid investing more than a fraction of your troops in Persian Positions battles. One often reads comments from coalition and forum members who have thrown their entire arsenal into PP and are then distraught that the returns do not measure up to expectations. In my view you should avoid this for two reasons:

  1. Throwing more or less everything you have at positions usually means that you will not be able to select the appropriate units for the job but simply use the ones you happen to have at the ready, and that can make a difference of well over + / - 50% strength.

  2. Also, after the loss of a major portion of one's army, one immediately becomes more or less powerless to play other parts of the game such as PvP tournaments or simply city defence, at least until one has begun to rebuild one's forces.

My personal and admittedly arbitrary rule is: I do not engage positions for which I will need more than 1/4 to 1/5 of my offence or defence. If I scout and find a 1m Perian offence at a position, I won't engage it unless I've got at least 4m, better 5m defence. Overall, I'm doing better than breaking even on PP, but sometimes losses do pile up and it will require time to recoup these. It's like sitting down at the poker table: you don't want to be playing with the last dollar you own, where any loss will wipe you out and make it difficult to play the next day.

m2cw :-)

30 апр. 2017, 22:3130.04.17