From what I know GP's items such as Full protection and 10% offense enhancer have a limitation for sure.
I believe the same appies to City Defense Bonus, Spy protection, ghost army, defense enhancer, auto unit hider and probably quests refresher!
For example you can purchase each one of the items above 10 times (that's a fictional number, not the real one).
After that the game doesn't allow you to purchase the particular item with GP's, only with Drachmas.
Hasn't happened to me yet but friends have told me that's the case.
Xena said:
From what I know GP's items such as Full protection and 10% offense enhancer have a limitation for sure.
I believe the same appies to City Defense Bonus, Spy protection, ghost army, defense enhancer, auto unit hider and probably quests refresher!
For example you can purchase each one of the items above 10 times (that's a fictional number, not the real one).
After that the game doesn't allow you to purchase the particular item with GP's, only with Drachmas.
Hasn't happened to me yet but friends have told me that's the case.
That's very interesting!! Wonder if anyone has reached this threshold and could enlighten us? :-)
The Irate Penguin said:
Xena said:
From what I know GP's items such as Full protection and 10% offense enhancer have a limitation for sure.
I believe the same appies to City Defense Bonus, Spy protection, ghost army, defense enhancer, auto unit hider and probably quests refresher!
For example you can purchase each one of the items above 10 times (that's a fictional number, not the real one).
After that the game doesn't allow you to purchase the particular item with GP's, only with Drachmas.
Hasn't happened to me yet but friends have told me that's the case.
That's very interesting!! Wonder if anyone has reached this threshold and could enlighten us? :-)
Yes, I have friends who have reached the limit but since it wasn't known from the start they didn't actually keep track of how many times they have used the particular items.
I haven't keep tracked either for some of the items I have purchased with GP's.
Zsolt Antal said:
i had 36 city defense + 10 % items in inventary and still i can buy with Glory points..or i think so ... because i see the purchase button on green availble...don't have GP try it :))
I think that once you reach the limit the purchase with GP's choice is no longer available.
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