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Plarium games hacked ?Plarium games hacked ?

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Plarium games hacked ?

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7 сент. 2016, 09:1107.09.16

Plarium games hacked ?

This is not a post  to make confussion or chaos but just to ask the following:

word spreads in the game that plarium got hacked recently and the hackers got a hold of account details and maybe even credit card details, i'm just posting this to ask if  this is true ?

and if it is true what did they get and do we need to change something to our account or even block our current cards or something

just need some clarification

regards DES

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
7 сент. 2016, 10:3407.09.16

It's definitely not true. Do you know at least one player being hacked? I don't. 

Moreover, I would suggest that you report players spreading such rumors to our Support Team. Forum spammers already received their punishment.
7 сент. 2016, 10:4307.09.16

ok thats fine

don't get all mad becouse of this

i'm just informing so others don't have to worry ;)

please let this post on for 24 hours, then i can spread it ingame, so no1 will ask the same question again ;)
7 сент. 2016, 14:0107.09.16

Hello archon,

There is no such a thing. And making assumption or imaginery things is not helping. IF you got any source of all of this make sure to report it to Plarium.

7 сент. 2016, 14:1507.09.16
7 сент. 2016, 14:15(отредактировано)

i nearly wanted to know for shure

i only asked so other would know too, i chared the link within my circles and all is fine

lots of us were just scared, but it seemed just a rumor, wich i'm happy about

thx for repleying, if see fit, remove the post
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
8 сент. 2016, 11:0108.09.16
DoubleEdgedSword said:

i nearly wanted to know for shure

i only asked so other would know too, i chared the link within my circles and all is fine

lots of us were just scared, but it seemed just a rumor, wich i'm happy about

thx for repleying, if see fit, remove the post
That's ok. Let it stay. Maybe some other players heard those rumors too and would like to find an answer 
8 сент. 2016, 21:3908.09.16
If the game was not hacked then why is my account deleted along with several others???
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
9 сент. 2016, 08:3309.09.16
jroy41 said:

If the game was not hacked then why is my account deleted along with several others???
You can contact our Support Team and they will investigate your issue. My guess is that you used a wrong login.
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