"To Battle!" Data not Reliable
Before we raid to collect resources, we usually check "To Battle!" tab to see if we already reached the limit or if we can still collect resources from a specific city. During 12:00 midnight or onward, I tried to raid some city because it says I can collect 0/50000 but I got nothing after the hit. At first I assumed that maybe other players also raid it and hit exactly 1 second before me but when I spied the same city, I found out that it's resources is enough to give me more than 50000. After doing this so many times, I found out that it's data resets every 12:00 UTC but my problem is my time zone is 8+. What I'm trying to say is that the data in "To Battle" tab in my country is not reliable during 12:00-8:00 am. Please fix this.