Plarium would like you to believe that there is truly some "luck" involved in the WOF and discount chests... It is 100% rigged and targets you based on your prior purchases and spending.
A friend of mine who has never spent a cent on the game gets 90% discounts and incredible offers all the time.
I've "Gotten Lucky" (implying that there is luck involved) every time and get the standard 60% discounted overpriced pack that has been repriced to cost the same as the everyday value pack with less free stuff so for $39 you get about 80% of what you can buy every day for $49.
I don't believe it is a coincidence either that after I buy a $49 pack and have 20K Drachmas to spend the WOF offers are 50% off city decorations and city schemas 5 days in a row... but when I am down to my last few 100 drachmas I get good offers on units, revivals and fortifications that I cannot afford to prod me into buying the next "value pack".
I thought I was paranoid but this is repeating itself way too consistently to be random. Turns out your enemy in Sparta WOE is neither the Persians nor the other Archons but the game itself...