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Moderator wanted!

Moderator wanted!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
8 июнь 2018, 11:5708.06.18

Moderator wanted!

We are looking for a new native English Speaking Moderator for Sparta: War of Empires game.

We know nobody knows the ins and outs of our games better than you, the players! We would like your experience and guidance to help our amazing community continue to grow and prosper.

We are now looking for a new Moderator for our Forum. The right person will be motivated, honest, reliable and above-all friendly towards gamers within our community.

What we are looking for:

- A mature, responsible and professional person to actively moderate our forums, providing answers, assistance or just a helping hand to any and all members of the community.

- Someone with vast experience in our games.

- A person with the ability to mediate discussions between players however always remains neutral.

- Someone committed to our games and the community. Moderating our forum isn't for the weak-hearted and being able to commit time per day to fostering a positive atmosphere in our forums and helping players is a large part of a moderator's role.

- Preferably someone who is already active in the forum and who already has the respect of the players they will be helping.

Your responsibilities as a Moderator include:

- Providing advice and help to players in the group.

- Playing an active part in developing new ideas for our game.

- Moderating and monitoring the group to the best of your ability and knowledge.

- If necessary, you will be entrusted with the ability to warn/ban abusive players within the group.

8 июнь 2018, 15:5508.06.18
8 июнь 2018, 16:2908.06.18
p.a.y.e or sc60 ?
8 июнь 2018, 16:3808.06.18

does the successful applicant receive his very own set of copy & paste plarium stock answers ?

e.g.    try clearing your cache.

          submit a ticket & go away 

          Things don't always work the way you might expect them to 
8 июнь 2018, 18:1308.06.18
I'd love to, but can only speak Italian .
8 июнь 2018, 22:3608.06.18
I am on the players side, and if you are going to close down everyone of their justified complaints and genuine concerns about this new engine and now beginning to forget the old version also, there is no place for any moderators, you are going to do what you want to do anyways, moderators are lip service and any of their concerns are the same. Pointless plarium, pure company speak from you. Shame on you.
8 июнь 2018, 23:4808.06.18

Salary? In dollars. Not drachmas.

Also we live in 2018.. I am a cyborg, as Elon Musk says. I speak every language you know.

10 июнь 2018, 10:0310.06.18
10 июнь 2018, 10:08(отредактировано)

hi, you mention what you want, the responsibilities, but not what you offer to the volunteers ... 

I am sure if  a  "real" direct conexión to "really" sort problems would be offered, i am sure that a few of us would be interested as we have offered many times our help to improve the game in the last years that i remember. 

about the moderation in the forum. i personally find sometimes a lack of transparency, i dont know if you all been in other forums (not only gaming ones), always when deleted or modified a post, it should be visible or notified why. users / moderators can make mistakes, we are all human, but transparency is the first step for trust and respect.

ff people break rules, they should know which rule have broken... and been notified so they dont repeat again, dont you think?

Respect is a road in both directions.

just some thoughts, hope they are of use

10 июнь 2018, 10:4410.06.18

Hi, the best I've read so far.

When a comment is deleted, the player who publishes it receives his explanation and so he can publish more calmly and well

10 июнь 2018, 10:4910.06.18

gracias elias, most of the times a good communication channel can sort most of the differences and improve the relationship. you may agree or not with what the other say, but its the first step for mutual respect.

of course respect always both ways...
13 июнь 2018, 11:4313.06.18

Hello, Archons!

Thanks to all who is really interested in this position!

Every week you receive Bonus for the work you're doing as moderator. This Bonus increases depending on the number of your comments on Forum and its quality.

If you're not sure about your moderator skills, you still can apply as we have a training program for moderators and Community manager who is working with you is always happy to answer questions you have.

If you would like to apply for this position, please contact Anastasiia Aleksandrova via FB: https://www.facebook.com/aleksandrova.anastasiya or contact me in Private messages.

18 июнь 2018, 12:3018.06.18

Hello, Archons! 

All comments discussing current moderators' replies were removed as they broke Forum Rules, point 3.15.

If you have any comments regarding moderators' activity, you need to send them to our Support team: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Breaking this Rule or any other Forum Rule, will lead to banning of your account.

18 июнь 2018, 13:5418.06.18
22 июнь 2018, 09:55(отредактировано)

if i am a moderator would it be ok to shout (write in capitals,, for those with no xperience in online forums) and be sarcastic & rude if someone politely notes that error?

its that part of the work description? or would you teach basic moderation & respect & rules beforehand?

because respect goes both ways :)

18 июнь 2018, 14:1718.06.18
Alina Phoenix said:

Hello, Archons! 

All comments discussing current moderators' replies were removed as they broke Forum Rules, point 3.15.

If you have any comments regarding moderators' activity, you need to send them to our Support team: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Breaking this Rule or any other Forum Rule, will lead to banning of your account.

the problem is how do we inform support? it is not game/money related and there is not other option in the link you gave. how we can defend our selves if moderators dont respect or follow the rules we all have to follow?
19 июнь 2018, 19:5919.06.18
19 июнь 2018, 20:02(отредактировано)

Congrats Fortuna for your courageous answer. You are right. Therefore I certainly do not want to be moderator.I could never do it with a clear conscious. 

22 июнь 2018, 08:5922.06.18

Fortuna said:

Alina Phoenix said:

Hello, Archons! 

All comments discussing current moderators' replies were removed as they broke Forum Rules, point 3.15.

If you have any comments regarding moderators' activity, you need to send them to our Support team: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Breaking this Rule or any other Forum Rule, will lead to banning of your account.

the problem is how do we inform support? it is not game/money related and there is not other option in the link you gave. how we can defend our selves if moderators dont respect or follow the rules we all have to follow?

Hello, Fortuna!

You can use "Stuck Units" Form to send this report. It contains less of all fields you need to fill in. 

In the report, you need to include the link to the post where moderator didn't reply properly according to your opinion.

Our Support team will investigate your report :)

3 июль 2018, 07:1103.07.18
plz kick all mods and let the job do the admins the mods are not neutral and they delete what they dont like or they dont want to have in forum and dont follow the forum rules.
5 июль 2018, 09:2305.07.18

kaisersouzey said:

plz kick all mods and let the job do the admins the mods are not neutral and they delete what they dont like or they dont want to have in forum and dont follow the forum rules.

Hello, Archon!

One of the moderators' duties is to remove posts that violate Forum Rules and break Forum's atmosphere. 

Moderators don't remove posts just because they don't like it. Still, if you think that in your case post was removed exactly for this reason, you can send a reort to out Support team: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and we will discuss this case with moderator.

5 авг. 2018, 10:4105.08.18
I think is Tonaya's time to be a moderator... Give to him a chance... 
6 авг. 2018, 10:4606.08.18
We already have a fully set team :) So, I close this topic for now :)
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