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45 second lag on each action attempted.

45 second lag on each action attempted.

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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7 июнь 2018, 13:2807.06.18

45 second lag on each action attempted.

AgentPavel closed my previous Bug Report and attached it to one that appears totally unrelated. Nevertheless I followed all instructions and even submitted a .H A R file. 

On each and every action I attempt, there is a 45+ second lag which appeared immediately after yesterday's update. This includes starting Divine Quests, collecting completed Divine Quests, recalling troops, vetting troops, sending raids, sending resources, fighting Warlords with Guardians (please note that Guardians send okay, but lag/freeze appears when they reach Warlord), and practically everything else involved in the game.

So it takes 15 minutes solely to activate and collect 1 set of 10 Divine Quests, with no other play possible. It is impossible to raid safely and successfully as you cannot scout in the period before your raid lands without freezing, or send resources with out freezing and thereafter having to waste instant recalls. Additionally, troops and resources are vulnerable to attack from neighbours when game freezes and doesn't allow you to put troops in Acropolis or spend down resources. I have suffered these losses, as have others.
8 июнь 2018, 09:1508.06.18

same problem using plarium games application

because beta on chrome is just impossible to play

same problem after reinstalling

waiting for this major issue to be fixed by plarium ?

it seems everybody has not this problem ...

AndriiTechnical Support
9 июнь 2018, 17:4809.06.18


Yes, your account has been moved to the WebGL engine. Here you can find more info about this matter. 

3 июль 2018, 11:2803.07.18
While I don't wait 45 sec after every click like you, I do experience like 5 sec lag after every clicks. While 5 sec doesn't sound like much, imagine how many clicks the average player do when playing sparta and you can see how much time they have to wait (wasted). I also misclick alot due to the waiting time after every click. I purchase alot of item from the market due to misclick, and funny thing is there is no cofirmation on item purchasing. Another issue which probably due to game lagging is the system think you are still queing item decomposition or troop traing when you apply time boost and finish them already. Game is unplayable and the longer you play the game the more laggy it get which is extremely frustrating. These days I just login to collect free gift from plarium and coa mission and hurrily use up my resource and logout. Have no time to do another stuff or chat with friends and coa members because it only amplify the lag and thus my wait time between clicks increase up to 10 secs. 
DeletedTechnical Support
4 июль 2018, 13:1904.07.18

nociror1980 said:

While I don't wait 45 sec after every click like you, I do experience like 5 sec lag after every clicks. While 5 sec doesn't sound like much, imagine how many clicks the average player do when playing sparta and you can see how much time they have to wait (wasted). I also misclick alot due to the waiting time after every click. I purchase alot of item from the market due to misclick, and funny thing is there is no cofirmation on item purchasing. Another issue which probably due to game lagging is the system think you are still queing item decomposition or troop traing when you apply time boost and finish them already. Game is unplayable and the longer you play the game the more laggy it get which is extremely frustrating. These days I just login to collect free gift from plarium and coa mission and hurrily use up my resource and logout. Have no time to do another stuff or chat with friends and coa members because it only amplify the lag and thus my wait time between clicks increase up to 10 secs. 


Please check the requirements and recommendations specified in this article. Try using Plarium Games desktop app.

Also, if the steps do not help to improve the game performance, please specify the following data:

  • OS (version & bit), e.g. Windows 10 x64 bit;
  • Browser (version & bit), e.g. Google Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (64 bit)
  • Internet connection (type & speed), e.g. Wifi, 50 Mbit