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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
21 янв. 2022, 23:1421.01.22


hi all !

1.More stages at cc with rewards

In this moment tiers( stone,iron,bronze,silver,gold) have only 12 stages with rewards. diamond tier  has 14 stages with rewards. There are coalitions who can maximum points for all rewards in first day in their tiers... what's happen in next days ? 

2. A guardian for training speed at non-elysien troops

we have a guardian for elysien troops and is good... why don't we have a guardian for normal troops ?

23 янв. 2022, 13:5923.01.22

no feedback... :(((

but other sugestion:

3. Add more disciplines at the capital.

Elysian troops don't have bonuses from capital.you can add more disciplines with increased elysian power or training speed for elysian troops and non-elysian troops. i think many coalitions have millions or billions of medals

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
1 фев. 2022, 11:3501.02.22


Thanks for your suggestions.

1. How many stages do you think are necessary to add and why?

2. We do not plan to change this feature now.

3. I like your point. We will think about it.

11 фев. 2022, 13:1211.02.22

 Hello Anastasia ! 🙂 

1. more levels at cc energizes the game, the more it requires extra effort and a proper involvement .At  this
moment more coa can do points to get rewards in the first 12-20 hours in their tier.So after they get all the rewards the game becomes a little boring. Firstly,Plarium can add 2-3 new stages at all tiers and provide attractive rewards:elysien boost,elysien troops, champion units etc. 

2. i understand... but please do something with that time... maybe a guardian is a little too much for non-elysian units,but there are other ways...upgrade dominion status and add training speed to troops; or at general- to his abilities... Now for 17600 swordsman i need to wait 54 days without bonuses... it is not a big problem for me, I can relax 54 days, like a vacation but maybe there are other players who want more action. In this moment I can( and I think many players can) recruit troops without raids so it is a little boring 

3. thanks! I'm glad you like the idea. I hope the developers will implement this. is there a way to see if the developers will accept it ? 

and bonus suggestions:  

4. do something with player coalition role... in this moment there are 2 important coalition roles: hegemon and polemarch. these positions can see the coa statistics. comandant and standard-bearer can see what troops are in capital or pantheon. and others ???? if the coalition hasn't a capital level bigger than 5 or a pantheon only hegemon and polemarch are relevant and the others coa positions are irrelevant... 

Now my sugestion: for every role in coa you can add 1 bonus( i don't know... +2% offensive troops power or increase training speed to troops or +2% defense troops power or others bonuses)... scholar 1 bonus, trainee 2 bonuses, citizen 3, and add 1 bonus for every position... 

so with this way you will give more importance to every coalition position/role... 


5. Change the rewards at personal events… for 1 mission I get 10-20 swords and some boost-15/30 minutes… the reward is very unattractive at this point. Increase the rewards and make it more attractive 

18 фев. 2022, 02:4218.02.22

 Hello Anastasia ! 🙂 

1. more levels at cc energizes the game, the more it requires extra effort and a proper involvement .At  this
moment more coa can do points to get rewards in the first 12-20 hours in their tier.So after they get all the rewards the game becomes a little boring. Firstly,Plarium can add 2-3 new stages at all tiers and provide attractive rewards:elysien boost,elysien troops, champion units etc. 

2. i understand... but please do something with that time... maybe a guardian is a little too much for non-elysian units,but there are other ways...upgrade dominion status and add training speed to troops; or at general- to his abilities... Now for 17600 swordsman i need to wait 54 days without bonuses... it is not a big problem for me, I can relax 54 days, like a vacation but maybe there are other players who want more action. In this moment I can( and I think many players can) recruit troops without raids so it is a little boring 

3. thanks! I'm glad you like the idea. I hope the developers will implement this. is there a way to see if the developers will accept it ? 

and bonus suggestions:  

4. do something with player coalition role... in this moment there are 2 important coalition roles: hegemon and polemarch. these positions can see the coa statistics. comandant and standard-bearer can see what troops are in capital or pantheon. and others ???? if the coalition hasn't a capital level bigger than 5 or a pantheon only hegemon and polemarch are relevant and the others coa positions are irrelevant... 

Now my sugestion: for every role in coa you can add 1 bonus( i don't know... +2% offensive troops power or increase training speed to troops or +2% defense troops power or others bonuses)... scholar 1 bonus, trainee 2 bonuses, citizen 3, and add 1 bonus for every position... 

so with this way you will give more importance to every coalition position/role... 


5. Change the rewards at personal events… for 1 mission I get 10-20 swords and some boost-15/30 minutes… the reward is very unattractive at this point. Increase the rewards and make it more attractive 

Hi Andrei:

About the ranks, its the hegemon who decides who gets to see the numbers. I was in a coa where even standard beard could see those.

I like your suggestions 1 to 3 :) 

18 фев. 2022, 11:0018.02.22
18 фев. 2022, 11:03(отредактировано)

Hi Vanesamei !

As a hegemon i can give access at every rank at statistic. but is this only way to to reward my players for their activity and loyalty ?

i think if plarium gives us more, the activity and dinamics into a coalition will increase because players will want some bonuses

For 1 and 3... Is there a way to see if the developers will accept it ?  

And... why 5 is not good. Vanesamei...Are you attacking a player more big than level 100 ?for 20 swords, boost 45 minutes, and some experience ? there are events or ways to take more, and more easy. so the personal events are little dead because the rewards are very small. Last time when the rewards was changed i was level 80

And bonus suggestion 😂 :

6. If i have activate dominion the time when i attack persian position will be 15 seconds or 30 seconds... we lose time at xerxes. 1 minute for attack and 1 minute for return

14 март 2022, 06:2914.03.22

Hi Vanesamei !

As a hegemon i can give access at every rank at statistic. but is this only way to to reward my players for their activity and loyalty ?

i think if plarium gives us more, the activity and dinamics into a coalition will increase because players will want some bonuses

For 1 and 3... Is there a way to see if the developers will accept it ?  

And... why 5 is not good. Vanesamei...Are you attacking a player more big than level 100 ?for 20 swords, boost 45 minutes, and some experience ? there are events or ways to take more, and more easy. so the personal events are little dead because the rewards are very small. Last time when the rewards was changed i was level 80

And bonus suggestion 😂 :

6. If i have activate dominion the time when i attack persian position will be 15 seconds or 30 seconds... we lose time at xerxes. 1 minute for attack and 1 minute for return

Hello b98andrei. There isn't a way to know if the developers have accepted a suggestion or rejected it. When a manager says they don't think that they don't plan to change this feature now, it means that the suggestion won't be accepted, at least for now, maybe in future. If a manager like a suggestion it might be accepted, but it doesn't mean that we will get it in the near future. In the past, a lot of the players' suggestions have been accepted and we have them as features and game improvements, so have faith. As a player speaking, I like your suggestions 🙂

15 март 2022, 08:1215.03.22

Hi Katia ! It’s not only about faith, it’s about cooperation and transparency. 

About the last suggestion: I think it was a bug in the game but with that bug when my dominion was activated I did 15 seconds at every persian positions so I saved time. 

 Suggestion 7🙂: Many players said here about the rewards. At pvp and pp events the rewards are very small. At pvp you fight and lose troops for points but you take a small reward for those points. At pp you risk your army at xerxes and you can lose all soldiers for small rewards at events. Do something with those rewards. In this moment many players do points only at cc event. Why ? Because the rewards are nice for a small price.  Do something. I don't know...Add more and big rewards at small point differences( first rewards at 100
points ,next if you do 500 points ,next if you do 1000 points and add more and more troops at reward but the maximum difference between rewards to be 10 k points and that 10 k points to be when you do 500 k
pvp).Same at personal events: The rewards are small and irrelevant... 20 swords like troops. Compared to cc it’s like a joke. Plarium did upgrades in game:cc is a good event, moon quest, guardian quest again good events. But he doesn't do upgrades at the events that preceeded them: personal events, pvp, pp.... So plarium added nice events but they forgot to upgrade other events for more and nice rewards and it is an imbalance  

16 март 2022, 07:0316.03.22

There are  very good tournaments which overlap each other so, the players have to choose what benefits us more. Since the beginning of the game, we had PVP tournaments only during the weekends but didn't stop us to have fun all the other days by raiding each other even without a tournament. The tournaments are just a well-done gift and nothing more. We must admit that nowadays, we get a lot of free gifts that we never had dreamed that we will get when we played in the stone Age of Sparta game. It is great to see the fellow players' suggestions but those suggestions have to be aligned with Plarium's vision of the game. Maybe the players should  read  what Plarium will accept and what they won't:https://plarium.com/forum/en/sparta-war-of-empires/469_suggestions/115511_which-suggestions-we--do-not--accept-9/

16 март 2022, 20:2716.03.22

Hi Katia ! Thanks for your fast answer ^_^ ! I agree there are good events which overlap each other but this situation is rare so in my opinion we lose the dynamics in game( only my opinion). what should we do ? hunting  good events or fighting with xerxes and other players ? the events are like a gift? i do not agree with you.

I agree that there are nice and good rewards at some new events but the others...

you said Stone Age in Sparta War of empires. CC, duel, overlord,moon quest, guardian quest, guardians brought us out of the stone age. but... there are some events which remained in that Stone Age( personal events) and again in my opinion it will be nice if plarium upgrades those events 

I read that forum part. what i said wrong ?