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Coa unions ... for what?

Coa unions ... for what?

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
6 авг. 2020, 19:2006.08.20

Coa unions ... for what?

Really what it was for, that Plarium, took out the unions of Coa .... when before and whoever wanted it, they put some initials and they fulfilled the same "objective". They should be implemented, and give it more "life" ... Plarium's biggest problem, right now, is the lack of new people or people who are in coa, where there are fewer and fewer active people, and the members of a coa are not they want to leave their coa, to go to another (understandable) ... it would not be great to implement those unions, limiting it to x members (200/300), where several coas, joined and acted as a single coa, in tournaments and others. Each union would keep its things, but would have more active members together ...


Realmente para que sirvió, que Plarium, sacara las uniones de Coa .... cuando antes ya quien quería se ponía unas iniciales y cumplían el mismo "objetivo" . Se deberían de implementar, y darle mas "vida" ... El mayor problema de Plarium, ahora mismo es la falta de gente nueva o gente que esta en coa, donde cada vez hay menos gente activa, y los integrantes de una coa no quieren dejar su coa, para irse a otra (entendible) ... no seria genial implementar esas uniones, limitandola a x miembros (200/300), donde varias coas, se unieran y actuaran como una sola coa, en tema torneos y demás. Cada unión mantendría sus coas, pero tendría mas miembros activos juntos ...

6 авг. 2020, 21:2406.08.20

Very good licurgo

another plarium feature falls by the wayside, promised much that never materialized, your ideas could make smaller coalitions feel part of their union with what you propose, rather than the redundant feature it has turned out to be. Plarium need to follow through more with their features, but unless it makes monies I fear they wont.
7 авг. 2020, 19:4107.08.20
Don't ever believe this motto: The players spoke and we listened  
8 авг. 2020, 20:4608.08.20

It would be a fabulous idea ... unions of no more than 200 archons, with various coalitions (to benefit the small things against the big ones) ... few ideas seem better than you are to revitalize the game, it needs it.

12 авг. 2020, 22:1012.08.20
14 авг. 2020, 09:48(отредактировано)

I love the idea of ​​Unions becoming more important in the game. It was a modification that came from the Battle field since it was we players who decided to bring our coalitions together into Alliances, and this was recognized over time by Plarium! I would very much like the game to deepen in that sense. The link that my colleague moderator gave you above may be useful for that;)

16 авг. 2020, 22:0616.08.20

More updates in the game, which do not address the real problem ... Plarium is not going well this way. Lunar Missions contributes little to the game, they make it more "messy". Improve Coalition Unions and it will be better for all of us. Or some improvement in Capitals, would not be bad either.

And please stop making absurd clicks, which don't add anything new to the game.

17 авг. 2020, 10:1417.08.20

Sobre lo de "Unión de coaliciones" tienes razón en que de momento no ofrece beneficios y anteriormente se hacía fácil simplemente añadiendo unas siglas al nombre, algún día desarrollarán el invento y tendrá utilidad haciendo que los logros de la unión cuenten para todos los miembros y que los miembros de una unión cooperen en ataques y defensa como si fueran de la misma coalicion.

En cuanto a lo "misiones lunares" lo poco que vi hasta ahora, tengo inutilizado el ordenador, se hace solo según haces las "tareas" cotidianas. Que tengan ventajas unos sobre otros siempre pasará. 
17 авг. 2020, 11:0717.08.20
17 авг. 2020, 11:09(отредактировано)
Licurgo said:

More updates in the game, which do not address the real problem ... Plarium is not going well this way. Lunar Missions contributes little to the game, they make it more "messy". Improve Coalition Unions and it will be better for all of us. Or some improvement in Capitals, would not be bad either.

And please stop making absurd clicks, which don't add anything new to the game.

Am I correct in understanding, that you suggest allowing gathering up to 200/300 players from different Coalitions into one Union to achieve some aims in the game? What could be those aims? What else would you like to improve/change in the current Union feature? 
17 авг. 2020, 18:1617.08.20
17 авг. 2020, 18:16(отредактировано)

Yes .... the main motivation is that those things of 50/60 cities, and that if nothing is done now in the future they will end up disappearing, they can join and enjoy the game more, having more active people within the "same group "(what makes people play more). And at the same time, that limitation of 200/300 per union, so as not to benefit the big things more and that many powerful cities get together.

I think it's a point in the game where nothing was done, since it came out and it has a lot of potential.

Union Conflict, Union Coalition Arena (allowing more people to reach that ring 100), etc ...

And being a great lover of sieges, I think a tournament based on sieges would be very fun, which will score according to the level of the city you are sieging.

There I leave my "crazy" ideas


Si .... la principal motivacion es que esas coas de 50/60 ciudades, y que si no se hace nada ahora en un futuro acabaran desapareciendo, puedan unirse y disfrutar mas del juego, habiendo mas gente activa dentro de un "mismo grupo" (lo que hace que la gente juega mas). Y a la vez, esa limitacion de 200/300 por union, para no beneficiar mas a las grandes coas y que se junten muchas ciudades potentes.

Creo que es un punto del juego donde no se hizo nada, desde que salio y tiene mucho potencial.

Conflicto de Uniones, Arena de Coalicion por uniones (permitiendo a mas gente poder llegar a ese ring 100) , etc ...

Y siendo un gran amante de los asedios, creo que seria muy divertido un torneo basado en asedios, que puntuara según el nivel de la ciudad que asedias

Hay dejo mis "locas" ideas

17 авг. 2020, 23:3817.08.20
Lo bueno de la idea que ninguna coalicion tendría que desaparecer, a casi nadie le gusta que su coalicion de siempre deje de esistir
23 авг. 2020, 20:0823.08.20

My question is .... Plarium do you suggest or is it talking to each other

20 окт. 2020, 16:3220.10.20
20 окт. 2020, 16:33(отредактировано)

at the begining they sold as there would be tournaments between unions (as in stormfall were doing) but as usual in sparta they dont care and do nothing just milk us or money---

where are all the union tournaments that we got promised in the first publicity messages informing us of that new opction in game....? 

 gone with the wind?

27 окт. 2020, 16:0427.10.20

My question is .... Plarium do you suggest or is it talking to each other

Hello Javi: 

Official suggestion thread is here: https://plarium.com/forum/en/sparta-war-of-empires/469_suggestions/ 

Also, I think that is very wise to share our thoughts on possible minor changes to the rest of the players so have some feedback and see if we are missing something or the idea can be improve before posting.