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selling the Articles in Ephorate.

selling the Articles in Ephorate.

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
27 апр. 2019, 12:5527.04.19

selling the Articles in Ephorate.

update please !

even with maxed Storages it is not possible for the highest lvl's in game to sell all Artikels.

Could you please update the game that someone can chose the amount of Articles he want to sell ?

otherwise we have to click whole day to select one by one to sell them.

Thank you in advance


27 апр. 2019, 15:2327.04.19

Hello in the first image you have the answer: it is an accountant where you can choose the number of items to sell (from 1 to, in your case, 197) and depending on the number you select will give you one amount or another, and will always let you know if you surpass what you can store giving you the opportunity to correct the amount.

Hola en la primera imagen tienes la contestacion: es un contador donde puedes elegir el numero de articulos a vender ( desde 1 hasta, en tu caso, 197 ) y segun el numero que selecciones te dara una cantidad u otra, y siempre te avisara si sobrepasas lo que puedes almacenar dandote la oportunidad de corregir la cantidad.