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Avoid spam in forum

Avoid spam in forum

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
18 нояб. 2018, 11:5518.11.18

Avoid spam in forum

some ways to avoid spam and trolls in forum that other games do is to make sure the user is a real player (i assume there is a way to make connection between game and forum account and make only those over level 15 or 30 able to talk in forum) and also to avoid spammers, a minimum of 15 posts before being able to open a new topic (ok i know this one is tricky as there is the unusual situation that there is no normal support and people have to come here to report problems, maybe being bugs the exception or an open post ?)

this way we avoid trolls opening accounts to come here and instigate fights and the most important for me, we avoid spammers putting publicity or possible phishing links to scam

also other ways to help avoid this kind of scammers is to have a bottom to report scam/spam, so mods can get that notice quick and act in consequence to avoid problems. (i know this is also use to report insults etc in other forums)

22 нояб. 2018, 10:3722.11.18

Hey !

Devs have some plans to deal with spammers. More likely it will be some automatic way of their detection and banning. 

Your idea is rather interesting, it will be transmitted.

22 нояб. 2018, 13:4722.11.18

Hello, Fortuna!

As Bill said, devs have plans to deal with spam. But they have other variants: 

- add an option to verify email. When you register on Forum, you will be able to post only after you verified your email address

- add Artificial Intellect that will detect such posts automatically, remove spam and ban player.

We won't add any connection to the players' Level in the game or number of posts they created on Forum. It will block new people coming here.

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