Update News!
Update News!
Check Out the New Features Now!
A message from the marathoners!
This week, we’ve fixed some bugs and made some important updates:
- The avatar of the Archon your Units have just interacted with is now displayed in the “Tracking” tab in your War Council.
- An “Unread” filter has been added to your reports.
- The Rewards you receive in Tournaments will now be displayed with a multiplier, when applicable.
- A “Political Attack” filter has been added to your reports.
- The Coalition Resource history in the ""Info"" and ""Disciplines"" tabs in your Coalition Capital has been expanded to show the last 100 transactions.
- Fixed: The personal info of inactive Archons is now displayed correctly.
- Updated tracking system: Unit movements are now displayed in order of when they will finish.
- Fixed: Phylarch Skills are now activated correctly.
Now, Archon, assemble your Cavalry and fortify your city, for Xerxes has no doubt been rallying his forces.
Basileus Leonidas