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Attention: an issue with the latest version of the Google Chrome Flash Player

Attention: an issue with the latest version of the Google Chrome Flash Player

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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9 июль 2015, 17:0909.07.15

Attention: an issue with the latest version of the Google Chrome Flash Player

Attention, Archons!

We've faced an issue with the latest version of the Google Chrome Flash Player (Google develop and use their own Flash Player version).

In some way it incapable with the game.

In order to avoid any game crashes we suggest you to play the game using another web browser (for ex. Mozilla Firefox https://www.mozilla.org/ ) until we will fix the issue.

Thanks for your patience.

10 июль 2015, 20:3310.07.15

disable flash player in chrome:plugins and enable pepper flash (integrated flash player in chrome) all will work in chrome least works for me and there was issue that game did not recognize flash player saying "u must install flash player to be able to play bla bla bla" hope it works f4 u as it worked 4 me cheers.

10 июль 2015, 23:0010.07.15
17 июль 2015, 14:51(отредактировано)

I'm still using Chromium with its dedicaded (for Chrome, I think) client. Works perfectly.

On the other hand, it's apparently imposible to update Adove Flash on Windows XP anyway, so I've actually not changed versions for this one.

14 июль 2015, 14:2414.07.15

I am using "Firefox" and the game is now indicating that I need to load "Flash Player".  No changes were performed on the PC that I am working with.

I was able to log in initially but when I tried to refresh, the game is now failing to load altogether.


14 июль 2015, 16:4314.07.15
14 июль 2015, 16:43(отредактировано)

RBRIAN, some versions of Flash were temporarily blocked in Firefox, but you can enable Flash in your browser settings.

I also suggest you to try playing the game in Chrome.