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Earn New and Improved Rewards for Raid Quests!

Earn New and Improved Rewards for Raid Quests!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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7 июль 2015, 16:3907.07.15

Earn New and Improved Rewards for Raid Quests!

Take on New Challenges!

Earn New and Improved Rewards for Raid Quests!


New types of Raid Quests have been introduced. Sharpen your spears and march into new, exciting battles!

From now on, your new quests will include more military operations, such as engaging Positions, destroying rival Units, and Liberating your fellow Archons from Siege.

Your Rewards have also become bigger, better, and more diverse than ever before. Complete all types of Raid Quests to earn them!

You may now complete an unlimited number of Raid Quests each day – so there’s nothing stopping you from conquering all of Sparta!

Complete Raid Quests, earn great Rewards, and win the favor of the gods!

7 июль 2015, 16:4207.07.15
7 июль 2015, 17:21(отредактировано)



10 июль 2015, 08:5810.07.15

what do you mean that I can make unlimited raids quests each day, the system only allows 1 raid every 2 1/2 hours, thats 20 a day, not unlimited. so explain to me how thats unlimited

10 июль 2015, 09:4410.07.15
10 июль 2015, 09:46(отредактировано)

it call when there is active mission appear normally to earn exp and dominion point now it added in 3-5 swordman, a pack of resource and someb booster item.


That mean when old time u only earn exp now you can earn unit from completing the mission appear to tel what you need to do like raid,siege,position,colony and so on that will give out swordman andresource so you can earn more with doing this mission 3hr reset each time if not complete....

10 июль 2015, 17:4610.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:59(отредактировано)

I dont do these. its a total waste of resources and troops to earn 100 experience points and a few swords. I wont waste troops trying to kill off 4k enemy troops for such a puney reward! If the reward was 1000 experience points and 3 champion units, well i might think about it. get rid of it plarium!

10 июль 2015, 20:0610.07.15

Prime, you didnt answer my question, its says that we can " make unlimited raid quest" how can I do that, the system only lets me make 20 raids a day, HOW is that unlimited, Im not asking about any rewards, I want to do one quest every 5 minutes but after 20 raid quest it wont let me do unlimited in a day.

10 июль 2015, 20:1510.07.15

Snorest is partially right. the raids and besieges are the same just a few swords men, resources and points all good, thank you, but take 5 positions is rediculous position 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 it would take well over 600,000 men points to take 5 positions were Im at. Sorry but that make you look crazy asking something like that. Its a waste and I have to what 4 hours for the next quest.


10 июль 2015, 22:5810.07.15
12 июль 2015, 05:13(отредактировано)

Hello Archon,


They're unlimited in the way they're not limited to a few ones per day as before, and an new one will always come after you've either finished the previous one or have let it come to an end if you can't to it after 3h30 (such as the 5 positions one you quoted).


I admit I liked the old ones better. Sometimes I just don't have time to them immediately, so having 24h to complete them was nicer if I had something else to do IRL, plus they were a nice opportunity to replenish resources daily while getting some XP points at the same time. I admit I'm less motivated now, especially for the "5 positions" ones that can really be done after you've been grinding lots of them for at least a week, as I did the other day to test the new Persians system, so these oens I mostly launch them and do someting elese until the time-out is reached.

You can still do the same and skip these ones this way. They will always be new ones after them, hence the "unlimited" feature. ;)

11 июль 2015, 08:2811.07.15

Unlinited run mean the old version need 24 hr to complete or cant be done, this new system only need 4 hr to complete or cant be done, so it mean unlimited run not count as unlimited RAID

14 июль 2015, 20:0314.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:48(отредактировано)


22 июль 2015, 19:2422.07.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:53(отредактировано)
ThatBloke said:

Hello Archon (....)

Dude you're in Nouméa and playing video games ? Go windsurf or something :)
25 июль 2015, 03:2525.07.15
In the middle of winter while it's pouring rain ? No way ! :p
27 июль 2015, 08:4527.07.15
27 июль 2015, 09:00(отредактировано)


2 авг. 2015, 13:5102.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:56(отредактировано)