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Attention!  Changes To Adobe Flash Player!

Attention! Changes To Adobe Flash Player!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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14 июнь 2016, 16:0014.06.16

Attention! Changes To Adobe Flash Player!


Changes To Adobe Flash Player!

Dear players,

One of the most recent updates to Adobe Flash Player (version – released May 12th 2016) on Google Chrome, Opera, and Yandex Browser, has triggered major changes to the functionality of mouse scrolling.

When running any Flash application in-browser in full screen mode, a mouse scroll (using the central wheel of the mouse or equivalent on laptop) may now perform the same function as a left mouse click.

This is a bug within Adobe’s software and is beyond our control.

We ask you to remain vigilant while in full screen mode, and not to scroll over clickable game elements (buttons, buildings, menu items, etc.) in order to avoid accidental actions while playing the game.

We appreciate your patience and understanding, and hope that the usual behavior of mouse scrolling will be restored in the forthcoming updates to Flash Player.

14 июнь 2016, 17:4114.06.16
15 июнь 2016, 08:2415.06.16
Thank you for the update on this matter!
15 июнь 2016, 18:1615.06.16

I hope that purchases are not automatically & mistakenly  made due to this bug. If such things were to happen Plarium

needs to find a fix on their side for the problem with the flash player/wheel scroll buttons acting like a left click. Like in-putting a confirmation dialog box to confirm a Drachma purchase. This will ensure purchases are not made in error.

Hell, they need to have a second pop up confirmation dialog that asks you to confirm any purchase made with Drachmas PERIOD! 

I have in the past clicked on a "buy more resources button" on accident when I meant to click the button directly below that to use the saved up un used resources that I have stacked in the market. which is a real bummer since I have many unused resource packs not used and I accidentally, purchased another 30k grain/timber etc...

Plarium should always have a "confirmation dialog box" for anything that you do involving use of players real money (drachmas).  

Because they wont reimburse you EVER! No matter what the reason. 
16 июнь 2016, 00:2416.06.16

Die Adobe Flashplayversion 242 ist sowieso gehackt und Adobe bekommt schon seit 6 Tage kein fix hin, soll am 16.6. kommen.

Wer Probleme mit seinen Browsern hat, dem empfehle ich Maxton, die Chinesen verwenden klugerweise immer noch 232 !!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
16 июнь 2016, 09:2016.06.16

terrytapp27 said:

I hope that purchases are not automatically & mistakenly  made due to this bug. If such things were to happen Plarium

needs to find a fix on their side for the problem with the flash player/wheel scroll buttons acting like a left click. Like in-putting a confirmation dialog box to confirm a Drachma purchase. This will ensure purchases are not made in error.

Hell, they need to have a second pop up confirmation dialog that asks you to confirm any purchase made with Drachmas PERIOD! 

I have in the past clicked on a "buy more resources button" on accident when I meant to click the button directly below that to use the saved up un used resources that I have stacked in the market. which is a real bummer since I have many unused resource packs not used and I accidentally, purchased another 30k grain/timber etc...

Plarium should always have a "confirmation dialog box" for anything that you do involving use of players real money (drachmas).  

Because they wont reimburse you EVER! No matter what the reason. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to add confirmation to Market purchases as our players won't support this idea. They always ask us to reduce the number of clicks, not to increase it.

As the issue is not on our side, we are unable to fix it. We recommend our players to use different browsers or not to use Full screen Mode. Your Drachmas are in your hands, terrytapp27. And you have all necessary instructions to avoid sudden purchases.

8 июль 2016, 03:1408.07.16

Alyona, please, all players are asking to reduce clicks to USE items, NEVER to BUY them !!!

Even worse, In the end, you added MORE clicks than before to the Sanctum of Asclepius to mix two elixirs !

And we still don't have a possibility to select a number of elixirs of a given category to mix, as we were actually asking for.

You did even worse, adding a button that now prevents us to get the exact level of elixirs we want : if we accidentally click on it, we get too high level elixirs that need golden caducei we can never get as rewards (nor even from drachmas packs !)

Adding the exact same quantities selectors that have been added to the resources packs doesn't sound like an unreasonable request to me.

It would be especially needed for Dominion activators and elixirs.

It's even coded already, all you have to do is to generalize it everywhere.

Thanks for caring about our needs. :)