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Plarium's 7th Anniversary Is Coming Soon!

Plarium's 7th Anniversary Is Coming Soon!

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30 май 2016, 13:4930.05.16

Plarium's 7th Anniversary Is Coming Soon!

Plarium's 7th Anniversary Is Coming Soon!

Celebrate And Enjoy Rich Gifts In June!


Plarium’s 7th Anniversary is nearly upon us and to celebrate we’ve organized some fantastic events for the month of June!

That’s right, Archon! From June 1st - June 30th, Plarium is celebrating seven years of bringing groundbreaking mobile, social, and browser games to a worldwide audience of over 250 million!

We owe all of our success to you, our players, and to show our gratitude for helping to make us #SevenYearsStrong we'd like to invite you to celebrate with us in the largest giveaway event in our company's history!

Here's what we're doing:

· Total Extended Tournament Prize Pot of 250,000 Drachmas!

· Extended 14-Day In-Game Events!

· Weekly Gift Giveaways for All Players!

· New Coalition vs Coalition Tournaments!

We’re not just a company – we’re a community of gamers. And for us, what we’ve accomplished in these past seven years is just the beginning. We're already hard at work planning the next seven years of great games, content, and adventures!

In the meantime, kick back and enjoy the #SevenYearsStrong event. This one is on us. You've earned it!

31 май 2016, 13:3831.05.16
31 май 2016, 16:4231.05.16
nice, looking forward to it all
31 май 2016, 17:3231.05.16
31 май 2016, 18:1131.05.16

AS a high ranking player, with all this talk of give aways, grand prizes etc,etc, I hope that the lower rank players will get a fair crack of the whip. I many of the weekly tournaments low rank players have no chance of achieving high level prizes or rewards. I hope that during the celebrations some of the competitions will be aimed at people with lower rankings.


1 июнь 2016, 03:3201.06.16
Please do not set the point so high until so hard to achieve for the weekly tournament. it is really demotivated. thanks 
1 июнь 2016, 07:3001.06.16
sounds good
1 июнь 2016, 11:1601.06.16
as usual.....a lot of talk....and no follow through.....most folks will get not much out of these decidedly unlegendary things
1 июнь 2016, 11:3901.06.16
Now that I see the tournaments I realize that its impossible for  a low lvl guy like me to participate in them    
1 июнь 2016, 11:4301.06.16
it kinda makes  you quit the game. Shame
1 июнь 2016, 11:5801.06.16
Legendary tournaments are complete garbage designed for coiners - most warriors have no chance
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
1 июнь 2016, 12:0001.06.16
Guys, we will have much more events, so you all can participate in them 
1 июнь 2016, 12:1001.06.16
unfortunately these legendary tournaments are already over the high rankers already have such a huge lead it's not worth wasting time or resources; i'll stick with the none legendary stuff and keep plugging away
1 июнь 2016, 12:2501.06.16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Guys, we will have much more events, so you all can participate in them 

not good enough...you dropped a big ball here. After so long , how could you misjudge your loyal

customesr so badly, i mean really badly. So much hype, and, ....emptiness
1 июнь 2016, 12:2601.06.16
These "legendary" types of tournaments are a big failure. It supports activity and overall player participation but that doesn't mean low players will be able to keep up with it. There should've been at least a minimum for everyone that participated (a satisfying ammount of drachmas or idk), since the majority cannot go hand to hand on higher level players. Shameful display.
1 июнь 2016, 13:0101.06.16
Marten Ekema said:

AS a high ranking player, with all this talk of give aways, grand prizes etc,etc, I hope that the lower rank players will get a fair crack of the whip. I many of the weekly tournaments low rank players have no chance of achieving high level prizes or rewards. I hope that during the celebrations some of the competitions will be aimed at people with lower rankings.



1 июнь 2016, 13:0501.06.16

Good thing I do NOT have a high ranking!!!  I would not know what to do with all these great gifts! LOL

1 июнь 2016, 13:0501.06.16

Marten Ekema said:

AS a high ranking player, with all this talk of give aways, grand prizes etc,etc, I hope that the lower rank players will get a fair crack of the whip. I many of the weekly tournaments low rank players have no chance of achieving high level prizes or rewards. I hope that during the celebrations some of the competitions will be aimed at people with lower rankings.



LMAO,  Marten, A nice sentiment, but the tourneys have been released, and there is definitely no freaking chance that an average joe low to mid level player is ever going to rank in either of the two 15 day tourneys,

What a joke plarium,  why not just give the gold to this high rankers without the ruse of creating a tourney for them to take it

1 июнь 2016, 14:5601.06.16

no dracma no win

Only players who use drachmas can compete, for all other just watching.

1 июнь 2016, 15:0201.06.16
The only ones benefiting from the 7 years celebration is Plarium, shame on you.  Everyone should be able to participate right from the get go, not only the players who spend so much on the game but everyone.  I understand the support players who spend on the game give you, but I also understand the support the players who don't spend give you ie: free advertising by word of mouth, recruiting players into the game.....come on Plarium this is not the way to celebrate.  Very disappointed...
1 июнь 2016, 19:1801.06.16
3 horrible events, all geared to high end players, with no units for rewards, and only for top 250. Ridiculous