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New: Unions. Bond your Coalitions and Fight Together

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10 май 2019, 10:3610.05.19

New: Unions. Bond your Coalitions and Fight Together


Unions are a brand new feature available in your game. Creating a Union bonds the Coalitions that join it under one name and banner.

Any Hegemon of a Coalition that is of 100 members and over can create a Union for free from the “Unions” tab in the Embassy. The creator manages the Union and can also give management permissions to other Hegemons of Coalitions that join.

After a Union is created, it receives its own Ranking. It is essential for each Union to devise a unique war strategy based off the Coalitions that join. It is also possible to view the total Influence of the Union and its Territory from the Union interface.

Coalitions can leave the Union instantly, but this has to be initiated by the appropriate Hegemon. Important: a Coalition can only be a part of one Union at a time.

Join together now and leave your enemies behind in the dust!

Basileus Leonidas

10 май 2019, 12:0810.05.19

After Union is founded can it's name and tag be changed? And how often? Is it for free or cost drachmas? 

Can Union logo be changed after Union is formed? 

10 май 2019, 13:1010.05.19

Ana ⚔️ said:

After Union is founded can it's name and tag be changed? And how often? Is it for free or cost drachmas? 

Can Union logo be changed after Union is formed? 

Hello, Ana. Will be glad to answer your question. The name of the Union can be set only once as well as the Union's logo. So, choose the name and the logo very carefully.

Wish luck in the game to you and your team!

10 май 2019, 16:5210.05.19

At a first glance through. This seems to be a very nice new feature to the game - great, thanks.

10 май 2019, 21:0710.05.19

hi, where can we read more about unions?

 is there going to be special tournaments? 

are they going to have achievements?

 is it going to be weekly classifications  like in classifications? 


thanks in advance

12 май 2019, 00:1412.05.19

All well & good except you accept & enforce that only a large coal can form & lead.  I'm assuming because it's not clearly stated that after this is formed small coals (less than 100) can join in.  The real truth in Sparta S2 is that coals of 100 & above tend to prey on smaller coals.  Small coals should be able to create & bond for mutual protection without the need for a big brother coal. Just small coals alone being able to Bond would have helped to level the game field for many.

I need to read more on this.  How does this affect defense of Caps & Pans, Coalition Attacks? Private chat channel for members?  I'll go read what's being said.
12 май 2019, 10:0312.05.19

all good points, i was also thinking what affect will have in alies, etc, commun embasy by standar or individual decision?

i was surprised with the lack of info about this new  item in game.

the answer from my vip about the unions was: "Hello, Fortuna. A Hegemon of a Coalition of 100 + players can create a Union and set a banner (likewise creating of a Coalition logo). After the Union is created or after your team joining to another Union, you'll see the Union chat."

So here we are, to us to find out all, by doing ... and if we dont wrong, not plariums problem as usual...

12 май 2019, 19:1912.05.19

I had posted on this a couple of hours ago & just checked to see if there was any response.  My post vanished so here it is again.

Plarium missed the target with this new Bond concept.  In theory it could have been a great game changer that would allow small coals to band together (still unsure of the advantages other than a chat line vs. backing up friends as usual) & have a chance to level some of the playing field rather than merge & lose your coal identity.  

Plenty of potential in the concept but it basically helps a large coal become more powerful.  IF IF IF small coals could band together without a big brother controlling them the small Bonded coals become more of a challenge to a large coal.  Big coal agendas aren't necessarily what small coals want to pursue.  Plarium that means more fighting & losses by coiners who will no doubt replenish in order to crush the upstart small Bonded coals.  The game becomes more interesting for all, more challenging.

The more small coals can fight back the better the play for the coiners but it appears Plarium isn't thinking this through.  Plarium has skewed the game so much for the coiners over time that it's ceased to be the fun it once was.  Here is the opportunity to right the play, even if slightly, back to a more competitive game that benefits all players.  PLARIUM, you're dropping the ball but it's not too late.  Rework this idea.
13 май 2019, 13:2013.05.19

My thought is that the game as a whole would have been better served if Plarium had reversed their thinking.  Only coals under say 35 to 40 members could Bond in order to compete.  Of course big coals could create small coals to achieve their goals too but that requires lots more work & coordination.

This would make everything in Sparta less sure & more dangerous.  Smaller coals are able to fight back & kill larger opponents (lots more fun)  while those larger coals have new & better opponents to crush rather than dancing around the other large coals to avoid a blood bath.  Large coal coiners are going to quickly replace their losses.

If you want everyone to have more fun, to be able to do more & make money........give everyone a good time & reasons to fight.  Making the stronger stronger isn't going to do it.  
14 май 2019, 22:5214.05.19
14 май 2019, 22:55(отредактировано)

OK, read it & I'm less impressed.  

As I've said a missed golden opportunity to restore some balance & revitalize the fun that has seeped away with Plarium's tilt to coiners & large coals over time.  Many coals coordinate with off site chat rooms so Union chat isn't all that much.  What real advantage comes through a Union?  Not much but it could have been so much more.  Could have been a massive step to correct so many of the players' game complaints but it turns out to be nothing more than a timid gesture pretending to be something important.  

Good god, make strong changes so small coals can bind themselves into striking forces that enhances their speed, strength & ability to fully support each other.  Inject the game with some bold changes to increase real competition & everyone's blood will fire up & action will be the result.  Plarium continues to depress real competition when they should be doing everything they can to increase it & that doesn't mean making big coals bigger.  That stagnates the game into a heaping pile of boredom.  The large coals don't particularly like fighting each other & the small coals don't offer much of a challenge.  We don't need new buildings or troops but we do need more active competition.  Give us that & the pieces we already have are more than enough.  Wake up & change the dynamics instead of doing more of the same with a different wrapping.

Better an army of lambs led by a lion than an army of lions led by a lamb.  We're led by a lamb.

16 май 2019, 12:5616.05.19

Dogma WOR said:

OK, read it & I'm less impressed.  

As I've said a missed golden opportunity to restore some balance & revitalize the fun that has seeped away with Plarium's tilt to coiners & large coals over time.  Many coals coordinate with off site chat rooms so Union chat isn't all that much.  What real advantage comes through a Union?  Not much but it could have been so much more.  Could have been a massive step to correct so many of the players' game complaints but it turns out to be nothing more than a timid gesture pretending to be something important.  

Good god, make strong changes so small coals can bind themselves into striking forces that enhances their speed, strength & ability to fully support each other.  Inject the game with some bold changes to increase real competition & everyone's blood will fire up & action will be the result.  Plarium continues to depress real competition when they should be doing everything they can to increase it & that doesn't mean making big coals bigger.  That stagnates the game into a heaping pile of boredom.  The large coals don't particularly like fighting each other & the small coals don't offer much of a challenge.  We don't need new buildings or troops but we do need more active competition.  Give us that & the pieces we already have are more than enough.  Wake up & change the dynamics instead of doing more of the same with a different wrapping.

Better an army of lambs led by a lion than an army of lions led by a lamb.  We're led by a lamb.

Thank you for this feedback. The thing is that Unions feature doesn't give any significant privileges to big Coalitions. It's just a tool to make coordination between several friendly Coalitions more comfortable. And of course to make Unions visible on the map. Please note, Union's members can even attack each other. Also, it's impossible to organize a joint attack with another Coalition's members inside a Union. We always care about the overall balance in the game and I believe if your team is very active it's always possible to succeed in the game. 

16 май 2019, 13:3816.05.19
16 май 2019, 13:40(отредактировано)


So you're saying it's just a nice frosting without any real meaningful substance.  Looks goods, has a sweet taste but has little to do with true growth other than the feel good increased total influence numbers.  Pretty much my conclusion also & why I've stated a number of times how this was a missed golden opportunity to shake up the game back to the early days when nobody was safe regardless of their coal.

It was those days when we all planned & schemed how to survive & grow while anxious to log in & check what was happening.  Now players are gone for days or weeks or forever because Sparta dynamics remain a stagnating sameness except for window dressing.  New buildings, new troops, & new tricks doesn't cut it.  The strong are strong & getting them stronger as so many of the upgrades have doesn't advance the game.  What do I care if they kill me me with 3X, 4X, or 10X the value of my troops?  All it does is make it look hopeless for a huge number of players.  Reclaim that portion we originally all found so addicting & they will come to play, to fight, the money will come. For that you need to restore some balance, increase the danger for big coals & give an avenue of hope to small coals so they can band together, act together & cause havoc.  Many will not merge & lose their identity. There needs to be bonuses associated with small coals that join & band, things that make them dangerous to the big coals.  Stop with the frills & work to restoring real conflict across Sparta.   

Doing so gives everyone a purpose & purpose begets action which begets revivals, training, purchases.  Players become engaged & happy, Plarium makes money off all this & is happy.  We all win even if we're getting killed.

I don't mean to sound harsh but this is what I see & think.

Nuff said. 

16 май 2019, 17:1316.05.19
totally agree, the balanced conflict, where you could exact revenge to some degree is lost compared to the earlier days of gameplay. Its all chores and then if your unlucky have your cap or pan decimated by some massive coiner who probably gains more troops than they lose in the tournaments due to their inflated bonuses and enhansers. We have lost a very good and long time player today and he did spend a bit also. He is bored sihtless with the gameplay, there is no more fun anymore, we just upgrade and lock our troops up for a rainy day, whenever that is cost effective.
19 май 2019, 22:2919.05.19
21 май 2019, 12:13(отредактировано)

I posted my thoughts but here is a fleshed out idea to correct the imbalance that has IMO eaten away at what was the heart of Sparta....uncertainty of conflict. Create the Alter-Bonded.


1. Only a coal with at least 50 members can form an Alter-Bonded & that coal's Hege leads.

2. Only coals with less than 50 members can join though their size can increase after joining up to the Alter-Bonded limit.

3. The max number on coals in any Alter-Bonded is 7.

4. If any member coal reaches 100 members it is ejected from Alter-Bonded so there is a reason for member coals to control their size. They decide to remain small.

5. A coal cannot join both a Bond & Alter-Bonded.

6. Members cannot attack fellow member's cities, Pans or Caps.

7. Union chat works for the Alter-Bonded members.

8. A coal's Hege can pull their coal from the Alter-Bonded Union or the controlling Hege of the Alter-Bonded Union can dismiss a coal.

ADVANTAGES - to restore some lacking balance & more leveled conflict

1. New achievements geared only to Alter-Bonded members that will give added bonuses on Offense & Defense. Perhaps something also along the line of Cap disciplines that all Alter-Bonded members can contribute to developing specific upgrades for a shared benefit.

2. These bonuses, however they work, are lost when a member coal leaves or is dismissed from the Alter-Bonded Union. All the more reason for a coal not to blow it after helping develop these benefits..

3. Provide an Alter-Bonded Attack so members can join for attacks on Pans & Caps. This is a massive step in leveling the playing field so small coals can strike back. How safe is any large coal's Cap if several strong Alter- Bonded Unions with bonuses working coordinate their attacks? Big coal will retaliate & lots of dead troops will be the outcome but oh the glorious battles.

4. Allow Alter-Bonded members to send more resources than normal to each other & faster as if Allies or fellow coal members.

5. Any results a player achieves is counted towards their individual rewards, coal rewards & Alter-Bonded rewards.

6. I'm uncertain whether members should be able to reinforce each other's Cap & Pans. Needs discussion.


1. Will take time to gather achievements & bonuses to begin to equalize the playing field but I expect the goal in doing it will be enough for an improved outlook as they reach for the prize.

2. To fully use the advantages will require a lot of teamwork, cooperation, planning & execution. Members who make that difficult may be ejected to allow a member that better fits & works better with the entire group. Personalities matter.

4. Diplomacy will become a little stickier when an individual coal's Ally & At Peace status is in conflict with the plans of the Alter-Bonded actions. I don't see Alter-Bonded Unions having Diplomatic relations. Individual members can attack or have arrangements as they please. The Alter-Bonded is for mutual growth, protection & furthering member's goals. If a member has a special relationship or diplomatic status & sits out an Alter-Bonded action that's the member's choice. If done too often that member may find itself dismissed from the Union.

3. I'm sure strong coiners will try to take advantage of this too. In fact it may appeal to certain strong coiners. If & when such become known to the other Alter-Bonded Unions these Coiners Unions may become targeted by multiple Alter-Bonded Unions as they are seen as the cause for this need for equalization. If those coiners try to use their mains for help it may drag their main coals into conflict they don't want & possibly encourage another large coal or several to join with the Alter-Bonded Unions to take down a large competitor. Lots to calculate as Sparta once again becomes a very dangerous place for everyone as sides shift back & forth.

Just a thought that is worthy of discussion.

Keeping Sparta a strong interesting game isn't accomplished by making the strong stronger. It's done by keeping the vast majority of player within striking distance using whatever structure accomplishes it. Plarium needs profit & profit is best generated by conflict, lots of it.

We see Pan Massacres, Cap Events, Coal Events & so on all to get us to fight more. Working as well as you thought? I think many of the upgrades are to keep us interested & buying but it seems to also make a lot of players angry.

Get players back to having the ability to fight on fairly level ground & they will do so. They kill, get killed & are happy, revive & rebuild & are happy, purchase & are happy because it will be fun once again. Now the game is a stagnate mess that generates more boredom than excitement. I'm just a player & you the developers but you have been letting the reins slip through your fingers & you better grab them hard before they're lost. I've suggested & other players may have other ideas but the game doesn't need a little fairly meaningless improvement here & there. It needs something substantial. Regain the fun Sparta had in the beginning & the money follows. It's becoming a bloated dead horse. None of this will ever happen as it's too complicated, too many changes & not in step with the developer's vision. I don't think that vision has really helped the game but I'm just one player.

21 май 2019, 07:5721.05.19
Dogma WOR said:

I posted my thoughts but here is a fleshed out idea to correct the imbalance that has IMO eaten away at what was the heart of Sparta....uncertainty of conflict. Create the Alter-Bonded.


1. Only a coal with at least 50 members can form an Alter-Bonded & that coal's Hege leads.

2. Only coals with less than 50 members can join though their size can increase after joining up to the Alter-Bonded limit.

3. The max number on coals in any Alter-Bonded is 7.

4. If any member coal reaches 100 members it is ejected from Alter-Bonded so there is a reason for member coals to control their size. They decide to remain small.

5. A coal cannot join both a Bond & Alter-Bonded.

6. Members cannot attack fellow member's cities, Pans or Caps.

7. Union chat works for the Alter-Bonded members.

8. A coal's Hege can pull their coal from the Alter-Bonded Union or the controlling Hege of the Alter-Bonded Union can dismiss a coal.

ADVANTAGES - to restore some lacking balance & more leveled conflict

1. New achievements geared only to Alter-Bonded members that will give added bonuses on Offense & Defense. Perhaps something also along the line of Cap disciplines that all Alter-Bonded members can contribute to developing specific upgrades for a shared benefit.

2. These bonuses, however they work, are lost when a member coal leaves or is dismissed from the Alter-Bonded Union. All the more reason for a coal not to blow it after helping develop these benefits..

3. Provide an Alter-Bonded Attack so members can join for attacks on Pans & Caps. This is a massive step in leveling the playing field so small coals can strike back. How safe is any large coal's Cap if several strong Alter- Bonded Unions with bonuses working coordinate their attacks? Big coal will retaliate & lots of dead troops will be the outcome but oh the glorious battles.

4. Allow Alter-Bonded members to send more resources than normal to each other & faster as if Allies or fellow coal members.

5. Any results a player achieves is counted towards their individual rewards, coal rewards & Alter-Bonded rewards.

6. I'm uncertain whether members should be able to reinforce each other's Cap & Pans. Needs discussion.


1. Will take time to gather achievements & bonuses to begin to equalize the playing field but I expect the goal in doing it will be enough for an improved outlook as they reach for the prize.

2. To fully use the advantages will require a lot of teamwork, cooperation, planning & execution. Members who make that difficult may be ejected to allow a member that better fits & works better with the entire group. Personalities matter.

4. Diplomacy will become a little stickier when an individual coal's Ally & At Peace status is in conflict with the plans of the Alter-Bonded actions. I don't see Alter-Bonded Unions having Diplomatic relations. Individual members can attack or have arrangements as they please. The Alter-Bonded is for mutual growth, protection & furthering member's goals. If a member has a special relationship or diplomatic status & sits out an Alter-Bonded action that's the member's choice. If done too often that member may find itself dismissed from the Union.

3. I'm sure strong coiners will try to take advantage of this too. In fact it may appeal to certain strong coiners. If & when such become known to the other Alter-Bonded Unions these Coiners Unions may become targeted by multiple Alter-Bonded Unions as they are seen as the cause for this need for equalization. If those coiners try to use their mains for help it may drag their main coals into conflict they don't want & possibly encourage another large coal or several to join with the Alter-Bonded Unions to take done a large competitor. Lots to calculate as Sparta once again becomes a very dangerous place for everyone as sides shift back & forth.

Just a thought that is worthy of discussion.

Keeping Sparta a strong interesting game isn't accomplished by making the strong stronger. It's done by keeping the vast majority of player within striking distance using whatever structure accomplishes it. Plarium needs profit & profit is best generated by conflict, lots of it.

We see Pan Massacres, Cap Events, Coal Events & so on all to get us to fight more. Working as well as you thought? I think many of the upgrades are to keep us interested & buying but it seems to also make a lot of players angry.

Get players back to having the ability to fight on fairly level ground & they will do so. They kill, get killed & be happy, revive & rebuild & be happy, purchase & be happy because it will be fun once again. Now the game is a stagnate mess that generates more boredom than excitement. I'm just a player & you the developers but you have been letting the reins slip through your fingers & you better grab them hard before they're lost. I've suggested & other players may have other ideas but the game doesn't need a little fairly meaningless improvement here in there. It needs something substantial. Regain the fun Sparta had in the beginning & the money follows. It's becoming a bloated dead horse. None of this will ever happen as it's too complicated, too many changes & not in step with the developer's vision. I don't think that vision has really helped the game but I'm just one player.

Hello! Thank you for such detailed feedback and your willingness to make this game better. I need some time to process your suggestions and after that, I will be able to forward them to devs. I hope some of them can be implemented in the game in the future. 
21 май 2019, 12:3921.05.19

NP & thanks for taking the time to read it.  

I would like to point out one undeniable truth because I know the developers don't like changes that appear to favor one side over another such as this idea.  When Plarium decided to sell just about everything the developers heavily favored players with money & the will to spend it on the game.  Regardless of all the official responses the fact is that money makes a huge difference & while anyone can buy,,,,,big money buys more & more often & faster.  This is what the majority of players know & see on a daily basis.

My opinion is that the developers have already forsaken their rule regarding favoring & every purchasable upgrade takes them further from their stated rule.  My suggestion is to help correct that so the game returns to a somewhat fairer form, increases conflict & uncertainty, encourages cooperation among small coals while allowing Plarium to continue to make profit, perhaps larger profit.  Happy gamers play more, spend more & bring friends aboard. 

Boredom is the killer of games & developers need to consider how upgrades affect play AND OVERALL POWER BALANCE.  When power goes too far in either direction game play suffers.  My suggestions gives new life & meaning to small coals.  Rather than always merging with a larger coal for protection they can band together without losing their identity.  More small coals will continue & grow through Alter-Bonds.  More views, likes, dislikes & goals come into play rather than towing the line of a large coal  which will surely increase conflict.

Again mine is but an initial idea point but at its heart is to return some balance & free wheeling conflict to Sparta.