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Emporiums - level 100 player defending attacks from a level 150

Emporiums - level 100 player defending attacks from a level 150

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24 сент. 2022, 04:1024.09.22

Emporiums - level 100 player defending attacks from a level 150

How can I defend eporiums from attacks from a level 150 player and I'm only at level 100.

I suggest introduce a system like we have for up to level 99.

1 окт. 2022, 22:4901.10.22

Thank you Mikos!

I transferred your suggestion, as other players asked for the same in our FB community page ;)

4 окт. 2022, 15:3304.10.22

Emporiums are allowed to be defended by multiple coalition players.  In my opinion you have a couple of choices:

1)  Defend with a small amount of units, therefore limiting the collection time and your exposure to being attacked.  Renegade units are also helpful, in that their losses are absorbed by the free revive and ability to collect even if they lose.

2)  Work with your coalition to "trap" these lvl 150 players.  Players will think twice if they lose troops.  Make a decision, plan ahead and work together.

In reality, a players level is not indicative of a players strenght.  We have seen 100's of players who have high levels built on playing Persian Positions with minimal armies.  I will not say that there are not some massive armies floating around, but you could just as easily find a lvl 100 player or even a lvl 90 player with a bigger army than players sitting in the 130's-140's.

31 окт. 2022, 16:3731.10.22

Emporiums are allowed to be defended by multiple coalition players.  In my opinion you have a couple of choices:

1)  Defend with a small amount of units, therefore limiting the collection time and your exposure to being attacked.  Renegade units are also helpful, in that their losses are absorbed by the free revive and ability to collect even if they lose.

2)  Work with your coalition to "trap" these lvl 150 players.  Players will think twice if they lose troops.  Make a decision, plan ahead and work together.

In reality, a players level is not indicative of a players strenght.  We have seen 100's of players who have high levels built on playing Persian Positions with minimal armies.  I will not say that there are not some massive armies floating around, but you could just as easily find a lvl 100 player or even a lvl 90 player with a bigger army than players sitting in the 130's-140's.

Thank you for this helpful advise! 

31 окт. 2022, 16:3931.10.22

Emporiums are allowed to be defended by multiple coalition players.  In my opinion you have a couple of choices:

1)  Defend with a small amount of units, therefore limiting the collection time and your exposure to being attacked.  Renegade units are also helpful, in that their losses are absorbed by the free revive and ability to collect even if they lose.

2)  Work with your coalition to "trap" these lvl 150 players.  Players will think twice if they lose troops.  Make a decision, plan ahead and work together.

In reality, a players level is not indicative of a players strenght.  We have seen 100's of players who have high levels built on playing Persian Positions with minimal armies.  I will not say that there are not some massive armies floating around, but you could just as easily find a lvl 100 player or even a lvl 90 player with a bigger army than players sitting in the 130's-140's.

Congratulations Viagra12! You won the "most helpful reply" feature for october 2022. Please check your pm! 

4 нояб. 2022, 05:2904.11.22
Karl Curston

Thank you Mikos!

I transferred your suggestion, as other players asked for the same in our FB community page ;)

Thanks Vanesa

4 нояб. 2022, 17:1704.11.22
6 нояб. 2022, 17:41(отредактировано)

This issue was raised several times, I believe Viagra12, you have mentioned all the productive options players have, however, most players will use the third option, the massive stack.

The massive stack option is when the players stacks the emporia with at least tens of millions defense power points. In up to level 99 this stack will have good chances to survive and gather the rewards. In level 100 and above, the players will loose their entire army and quickly, and will be dissapointed about the game.

I have seen several players, spending money with big armies and many years in the game, that lost a lot of troops in emporia and quit playing, so it is up to Plarium to prevent such an option of players over stacking. It can be achived by having emporia to players at 5 levels jump, 100-104, 105-109 and so on.