19 фев. 2018, 17:5619.02.18
game lags to its max now
hello as you know the game is very messed up and not playable at all
i cant login....and if i do when i make my 50th attempt for the day ...i get notified saying ''error occurred''
then have to wait for another long while till i can try again...sometimes when i make my raid and off is returning it notifies ''error occured'' leaving my off out in the city exposed...this happens every few minutes...and very slow the game has become
another new problem...when i want to send my troops to acrop..the troops that are trained...it shows https://prnt.sc/igyh6t
i cant even send my trained troops to acrop now...this game is messed up now...and its ridiculous...feel bad for everyone who spent so much money and time in the game.