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No seige points!?!

No seige points!?!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
10 янв. 2018, 02:3810.01.18

No seige points!?!

Hello.   I did 253 sieges. It was 6 hours after siege point competition reset (reset=0700UTC,  sieges =1300UTC). 

But I checked the rankings now. It said for me 'no data' . I had 0 points.  How is that possible?

I should have 253x100=25.3k points. 

Can someone check this situation? Thank you.

+All my sieges from last competition came back. They returned home before I sent new sieges.

+Last week I got #7 ranking (first time!!).  Is that the problem?

DeletedTechnical Support
10 янв. 2018, 09:4610.01.18

Hello, Archon!

The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. You will see "No Data" at your ranking only in case it turns negative.

I have moved your topic to Game Discussion thread.

10 янв. 2018, 09:4910.01.18

good morning friend,

when withdrawing all the sieges like you had 109K then you start the week with -109K, for each siege that you lose you subtract 100 points is the mechanics of the game

10 янв. 2018, 12:0510.01.18
10 янв. 2018, 12:35(отредактировано)

Hello Agent Pavel and Moderator Elias. 

OK. So not a bug. I see. Thank you.  I thought when siege rankings ended, siege points started over at 0 each week. Not - value for the player.

Then if I do sieges week #1, then week #2 I start at -value from week #1 if sieges get returned.  I must siege same amount of cities from week#1 to return to 0. After I return to 0, I can get new siege points for week #2 competition.

Maybe it is impossible for me to get rankings this week. New competition requires 2x points (week #1 recovery + week #2 new sieges) for same reward level. Because of time and  many game crashes to do sieges too. I will just return my sieges.

Question- what will happen week #3? If I have no sieges and I do not return any sieges, will my points start at 0? Or do I have still have   -value?

10 янв. 2018, 14:0210.01.18

How does it work :

Last week you made sieges and on Monday the counter was set to zero.

If you remove everything, what you did, you put yourself with negative; if you do not retire you start from scratch (look at the CHAMPIONS ranking it is of the people who do not withdraw and it is adding week to week).

If you withdraw the following Monday your counter is reset to zero and you lose the negatives.

11 янв. 2018, 02:0811.01.18
11 янв. 2018, 02:09(отредактировано)

OK. Thank you Elias  (gracias) !!

I see now.  Champion list shows players using 2 strategies. 

One strategy is siege but do no return. Just add more sieges.

Other strategy is siege week #1, return week #2, then start over week #3 (repeat). 

In December I saw some high point players disappear from champion list. I didn't know how that could happen. But now I can see why. They did strategy #2.  But top player did strategy #1. 

11 янв. 2018, 08:4711.01.18
Both are viable strategies that can work, the trick with the first one is to avoid getting spread too thin. Having so many sieges to keep an eye on can be difficult!