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what are these units?

what are these units?

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17 нояб. 2017, 14:5917.11.17

what are these units?

17 нояб. 2017, 15:5617.11.17

These are not units gained on the forum in the entertainment section ?

17 нояб. 2017, 15:5917.11.17
These are Elite units, a VIP exclusive. However, they are only different in the way they look - their stats are the same as the "common" unit of their type.
17 нояб. 2017, 18:5617.11.17

Dimitri Molchanov said:

These are Elite units, a VIP exclusive. However, they are only different in the way they look - their stats are the same as the "common" unit of their type.

why VIP exclusive? what are we,the rest of us who are not vip?

i want to have blue agema as well

17 нояб. 2017, 19:3917.11.17
Tonaya said:

Dimitri Molchanov said:

These are Elite units, a VIP exclusive. However, they are only different in the way they look - their stats are the same as the "common" unit of their type.

why VIP exclusive? what are we,the rest of us who are not vip?

i want to have blue agema as well

they are only a different colour, they arent any stronger stats wise so you arent missing out Tonaya 
17 нояб. 2017, 23:3317.11.17
How do you gain these type units? I understand they aren't any better but still would like to add a few to my battle divisions, I like the colors!
18 нояб. 2017, 15:1718.11.17

morteeee said:

Tonaya said:

Dimitri Molchanov said:

These are Elite units, a VIP exclusive. However, they are only different in the way they look - their stats are the same as the "common" unit of their type.

why VIP exclusive? what are we,the rest of us who are not vip?

i want to have blue agema as well

they are only a different colour, they arent any stronger stats wise so you arent missing out Tonaya 

Morteeee,i want to have blue agema as well,i dont want to be discriminated.

or for all or for none.


18 нояб. 2017, 18:0018.11.17
A link please, to explain VIP status. Thank you.
19 нояб. 2017, 08:2619.11.17
19 нояб. 2017, 17:1219.11.17

correct me if i am way off here ... but there is a limit on units you can use in an attack.

it is a hard cap that the strong of sparta must deal with.

are these vip units a new unit - thus we can bring them in even after we reach the hard cap for number of units of a given type has been reached?

or do they count against normal agima limit (not likely as i am told the limit for agima is not effected by vet agima)

If this is the case - these units are WAY more useful than just a unit of a different colour.

for the strongest among us this is kind of big

20 нояб. 2017, 08:4620.11.17
Hellknight said:

correct me if i am way off here ... but there is a limit on units you can use in an attack.

it is a hard cap that the strong of sparta must deal with.

are these vip units a new unit - thus we can bring them in even after we reach the hard cap for number of units of a given type has been reached?

or do they count against normal agima limit (not likely as i am told the limit for agima is not effected by vet agima)

If this is the case - these units are WAY more useful than just a unit of a different colour.

for the strongest among us this is kind of big

If you are referring to Force Limit, it is calculated by grain consumption and Elite Agema will count the same as "normal" Agema as their consumption is the same.
21 нояб. 2017, 05:4221.11.17

There are uses for a different troop type that is the same as an agima.

If you use an intelligent force disposition - small numbers of many valuable troops, and larger numbers of disposable troops - they have more value than a normal agima.

The true value will be where they stand on the champion bonus.

Do they receive a bonus before normal agima?

This would be amazing if they do.

21 нояб. 2017, 10:5621.11.17
Common Agema get the Cataphract bonus before their Elite counterpart, tested it.
21 нояб. 2017, 11:0621.11.17
I personaly don't like them, imperials look better
21 нояб. 2017, 12:5621.11.17
Ahilej said:

I personaly don't like them, imperials look better
I suppose that depends on colour preferences! Seems like Elite Mounted Pelgasts are the ones that are more universally liked for their design than the Elite Agema Horsemen. But that's understandable, I much prefer how Pelgasts look myself  
22 нояб. 2017, 14:0622.11.17
22 нояб. 2017, 14:07(отредактировано)

Dimitri Molchanov said:

Common Agema get the Cataphract bonus before their Elite counterpart, tested it.

Dimitri,could you tell us which troops get first power from champions.......regular legate,veteran legate,regular m pelts,veted m pelts,imp m pelts.........?

if you have time to tell us for all troops,horses,phalanax,heavy,lights,off and def

23 нояб. 2017, 09:2823.11.17
The system is the same for all Troops: the more powerful "variation" takes precedence when it comes to the Champion bonus. So it would be Imperial Troops, then Veteran Troops, then regular  Troops. If you click on the "Special Bonus" button in the Champion's description, you will see a small table with all units that can apply and their bonus.
1 дек. 2017, 14:0601.12.17
1 дек. 2017, 14:07(отредактировано)
Ididicus said:

There are uses for a different troop type that is the same as an agima.

If you use an intelligent force disposition - small numbers of many valuable troops, and larger numbers of disposable troops - they have more value than a normal agima.

The true value will be where they stand on the champion bonus.

Do they receive a bonus before normal agima?

This would be amazing if they do.

Yes, definitely, especially for lower level players. Would love to have just 20 or so of them. Not just for the colours. As you say, they do have additional value, even if exact same stats and champion bonus.
7 янв. 2020, 00:1307.01.20

Ike said:

Drag-Theseus said:

Ike said:

A link please, to explain VIP status. Thank you.

Maybe (may not) you can find some answers here, Administrator answered on some questions https://plarium.com/forum/en/stormfall-age-of-war/archive/28120_vip-club/

thank you.

Hello Ike: Beyond the information that you can get the link sent, I comment that the prerogatives required to be a VIP player have not been specified by Plarium. It is a characteristic that the company has granted to certain players under parameters that we do not know. From what is known, these players spend a lot of time in the game and have reached a high position in rankings and tournaments ... but there are also exceptions to this. Have a nice game!

9 янв. 2020, 22:0509.01.20

As of today, 9 Jan 2020  I CAN CONFIRM  the existence of the ELITE (BLUE COLOR) Agema Horseman.  I had reinforcement in a friend city. It was attacked by Scootnuts - Red Warrior -1765/1275 of the coalition Red Empire. He has 202 ELITE (BLUE COLOR) Agema Horseman.  YES, I said BLUE COLOR.  This MAKE him a VIP buyer player.

NOW for the details.

ELITE Agema Horseman

Unit Type:               Cavalry

Designation:           Offense

Offense:                 1680 +(?)

Defense (LT):          144 +(?)

Defense (HY)            43 +(?)

Defense (PX)            43 +(?)

Defense (CV)          144 +(?)


Carrying Capacity:       1636.0

Grain Consumption:    4.00 grain per hour

Movement Speed:      18 miles per hour

Production Time:         NONE

NOTES:  This unit can be upgrade by agreements.  I am currently upgrading Sparta and it show up on the ELITE Agema Horseman detail page.

In this attack the order is : Imperial Horseman , Veteran Agema, Agema Horseman, Megarian. *** ELITE (BLUE COLOR) Agema Horseman ***, Veteran Carthaginian Horseman, Carthaginian Horseman, Charioteer, Veteran Cavalry, Macedonian Cavalry.

The following Champion units were present in this attack;  Mycenaean Charioteer, Minotaur, Primus Ordinis, and Cataphract.  The Champion units DO NOT list the ELITE Agema Horseman as a support unit.  There was not enough champion units to show if this is possible.