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General's Intellect Level 17

General's Intellect Level 17

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17 нояб. 2017, 01:5017.11.17

General's Intellect Level 17

I just gained level 17 Intellect for my general, and what a disappointment. This is the pantheon off/def bonus, and although I have over 600 units in each of our pantheons, toggling between offense and defense on level 17 made *zero* difference in the off and def values for each pantheon for me, as shown on the garrisons pages.

Any explanation? TIA.
17 нояб. 2017, 02:0917.11.17
Oh, and yes, I cleared cache and rebooted. Still no difference.
17 нояб. 2017, 19:2817.11.17
now I could be wrong here however for some reason my memory is telling me that stats on the garrisons page only shows the raw unit strength before any boosts and bonuses are added
17 нояб. 2017, 19:2917.11.17
Thank you. If that is the case, how can one see the full strength of one's units defending a pantheon?
20 нояб. 2017, 09:3420.11.17
You can see the number of units defending a Pantheon, their overall Defensive and Offensive strength in the Garrisons tab of your War Council for each individual Pantheon. Or did you mean something different?
20 нояб. 2017, 15:4020.11.17
Dimitri Molchanov said:

You can see the number of units defending a Pantheon, their overall Defensive and Offensive strength in the Garrisons tab of your War Council for each individual Pantheon. Or did you mean something different?
It appears, as Morteeee suggested, that you don't see overall def and off strength of Pantheon units in the Garrisons tab... you only see the *base* stats, as is confirmed by the fact that when you toggle the general's intelligence bonus for pantheons between offense and defense, the values of Pantheon defensive units in the Garrison tab do not change.
21 нояб. 2017, 08:2421.11.17
Not sure about that, Ike. I've checked on the test servers and upon activating a Defensive Enhancer the overall strength displayed in my garrisons tab for both a Pantheon and a Capital has increased immediately, I didn't even need to refresh the game.
21 нояб. 2017, 12:3421.11.17
Dimitri Molchanov said:

Not sure about that, Ike. I've checked on the test servers and upon activating a Defensive Enhancer the overall strength displayed in my garrisons tab for both a Pantheon and a Capital has increased immediately, I didn't even need to refresh the game.
Did you test the Pantheon enhancement and the Capital enhancement individually? Other enhancements work (light, heavy, phalanx, for example), and I haven't tested the Capital enhancement, but the Pantheon enhancement has no effect on my pantheon values in the garrison tab (or anywhere else).
21 нояб. 2017, 12:5321.11.17
I could only test with a general enhancer, unfortunately. Double-check the description of the items/skills and if it does state that all defense values should be affected, but they are not - make a post in the Bug Reports section with screenshots and as thorough step-by-step instructions as you can. If it confirms as a bug we'll definitely look into it ASAP 
21 нояб. 2017, 21:3621.11.17
Bug report posted. Thank you.