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coalition missions (new added milestones) has become harder.

coalition missions (new added milestones) has become harder.

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21 авг. 2017, 16:4821.08.17

coalition missions (new added milestones) has become harder.

previous was way better..

22 авг. 2017, 09:2122.08.17
22 авг. 2017, 09:23(отредактировано)


it is shameless and frustrating. even more players will turn away and for the rest it will become increasingly boring.

i wish the money back, which I have invested over years - has not paid off.

very, very sad this development.

my only hope is that plarium is not too arrogant to listen to all the criticism.

22 авг. 2017, 11:3322.08.17
22 авг. 2017, 11:36(отредактировано)

No, non-sense ... this is a perfectly legit change.

The requirements have been changed to be more in line with the size of a coalition, which makes a lot of sense. In my coalition, which is +/- 50 players, the training mission costs 3k points for the 1st reward pack, and 25k points for the 4th reward pack. This is about unchanged from before, but slightly higher costs. A friend in a larger coalition (with about 100 members) told me that the 1st reward pack costs 20k points for them, and the 4th reward pack 35k points.

There is also a new 5th reward pack (legendary reward pack) that can now be obtained, which was not available before. In the above example, this costs 45k points in the larger coalition referred to (for a training mission.) However, it appears the legendary reward pack is not available at all for smaller coalitions. Thats a bummer ... why not make it available to all Plarium, we can at least try to earn it?

22 авг. 2017, 11:5222.08.17
22 авг. 2017, 11:58(отредактировано)

brandon said:

the funny thing is that to get a standard reward pack now is also a challenge and points has got multiplied 

and guess what we were hoping legendary pack the new feature is going to be mind blowing...guess whats there in the legendary pack,same 3 macedonians 2k of timber bronze grain and just a better mystery box which nobody uses! hahahahha

and before the agust month started everyone was happy but everyday they give 3 promachos or 3 thureouphors hahahahha

the offers they give is not resonable at all...not worth the money...

height of selfishness....and greed as a new topic has started on their greed

a good business they would have if offers were atleast resonable people would buy 100 times because atleast it would be worth it.on top new server every few months diving warriors...theyre only suceeding in driving most players away to other games...short term players because of all this.

they make it harder and harder...and funny thing is everyone playing share this view but they dont know about this forum and dont check.

or else this would be flooding with complaints and what not.

most want to quit this game and are done with all this BS these people are putting and draining our time...they wont quit because they dont have a option since they spent so much time and money into this game to get where they are, and plarium is using this as an advantage.


Hi Brandon,

I strongly disagree with most of what you are saying in the context of the coalition missions. When viewed in isolation, this is a good change from Plarium. (Read what I said in my post higher up.) The real problem is that your coalition consist mostly of inactive players. The coalition missions are not hard if your coalition is made up of 75% active players. Sure, you won't earn the maximum reward every time, but it wouldn't be a maximum reward if you didn't have to try a bit harder to achieve it.

If you sit with mostly inactive players in your coalition, then it can become near impossible to achieve even the 3rd reward pack. Kick your inactive players out, and your point requirements will decrease. Our coalition is about 50 players, which are all fairly active. In the past we usually made the 3rd reward pack and sometimes the 4th reward pack. This is about the ideal situation IMO. The requirements appear to be about double for a coalition of 100 players, which makes perfect sense to me, given what us 50 achieve.

Something I do agree with, is that there is a VERY good reason for players to go inactive in this game, which is because of many other changes that Plarium made that are non-sense and the lack of proper updates in this game.



22 авг. 2017, 12:2222.08.17

Also, did you know that for a coalition of +/- 50 players, it costs 50k PvP points in total for the coalition to reach 2.2x PvP rewards? This is much more for larger coalitions. It makes a lot of sense for many things in the game that involve coalition activities to scale in line with the size of the coalition.

22 авг. 2017, 15:0622.08.17
22 авг. 2017, 15:12(отредактировано)

Last 2.2x PvP we played, took 50k points to reach 2.2x. (And so did all 2.2x PvP tournaments before that one.)

Are you one of those guys who have a bunker under your house because you believe all those end of the world conspiracies too? 

Check some of my other posts - if I were a Plarium guy, they would have fired me long time ago. 

22 авг. 2017, 22:2122.08.17
22 авг. 2017, 22:21(отредактировано)
What happened guys? Are there some changes with coalition mission mechanics. I haven't seen any announcement.
22 авг. 2017, 23:3122.08.17
Wy San Luis said:

What happened guys? Are there some changes with coalition mission mechanics. I haven't seen any announcement.
The coalition missions are back to normal Archons. You won't have to get 10 points in order to get the reward anymore! 
23 авг. 2017, 05:2423.08.17
not sure what you were talking about xena, please explain.

Xena said:

The coalition missions are back to normal Archons. You won't have to get 10 points in order to get the reward anymore! 

23 авг. 2017, 14:4523.08.17
23 авг. 2017, 20:28(отредактировано)

its not back.


is this a joke? lol

before it used to be 500k for basic reward pack , now 2000k , 


we play this game in hope it will get better , just gets worse. such a shame and dissapointment , all players feel let down , as players are not a concern to plarium.

i agree to many players now , i 100% agree .

24 авг. 2017, 04:1124.08.17
legendary and elite rewards are the same
24 авг. 2017, 05:2024.08.17

yes. 3 macedonians , 2k of each resources both in the elite and legendary , those enormous points you people added for nothing . such a shame. and very decietful.

leonidas might be going bankrupt :) , hence the greeediness and stingyness i suppose.

24 авг. 2017, 11:3524.08.17
this is very dumb thats why i dont play only train and hide my trooops
24 авг. 2017, 14:4724.08.17




25 авг. 2017, 08:3525.08.17

Drag-Theseus said:

Klaatu said:

not sure what you were talking about xena, please explain.

Xena said:

The coalition missions are back to normal Archons. You won't have to get 10 points in order to get the reward anymore! 

Old system is back :)

are you kidding us??? 
25 авг. 2017, 15:1625.08.17

Hi there! Guys, these changes were launched only for Coalitions with 20+ players. 

If you have more players in your Coa, it won't be hard to complete the mission. Work in team and you'll get all what you want! 
25 авг. 2017, 16:2725.08.17
25 авг. 2017, 16:29(отредактировано)

really? Lol

we had a raiding mission , day before yesterday , then yesterday a destroy enemy units mission , now again we got a raiding mission which require 2 million in raiding for a basic rewrd pack , and 9 million for legendary reward pack which is not a legendary reward pack but an elite rewrd pack , lol

okay please do one thing , since the new set of coalition missions are quite dramatic , please update the bots as well , because i have two lines of bots  , but from one bot i get 30k resources sometime i dont even get that because there are so many players , 

now since you expect dramatic raiding from coalitions , please update the bots , also remove the 50k raiding limit which resets in one week so we can raid that city again , since we get raiding missions alternate days , hahaha

so many players complained , i guess its true , its not worth it , 

love this game , but this is just far to off , dissapointing.

25 авг. 2017, 16:3425.08.17
25 авг. 2017, 16:35(отредактировано)

two letters.


enough said.

am out.
27 авг. 2017, 10:5327.08.17

if you cant even hit the lowest of the coalition missions then your team isnt active enough, either kick out the lazy ones and recruit more active players or merge with another coalition. 

As for not being able to raid enough, use the galley trick 

27 авг. 2017, 18:4927.08.17

sure please remove the 1 million players and coalitions so that we wont have competition of raiding same bots and cities

then the cities and bots will have resources to raid and ofcourse then we can raid the 9million resources :)

oh and remove raid limit too :)

reward packs were the only income for non coiners,thanks for taking it away too.

no issue with you mortee just the designers of this game.

27 авг. 2017, 21:4327.08.17

Alroy Cavalhro said:

sure please remove the 1 million players and coalitions so that we wont have competition of raiding same bots and cities

then the cities and bots will have resources to raid and ofcourse then we can raid the 9million resources :)

oh and remove raid limit too :)

reward packs were the only income for non coiners,thanks for taking it away too.

no issue with you mortee just the designers of this game.

Hello Archons!

I'm sure there are inactive cities with resources to raid!

Also any player (coiner or not) can reach 82K galley capacity if they upgrade their harbor, their port and use GPs in order to increase the galley capacity to 82K. 

So a single player can do 10 raids of 82K resources. That is 820.000 of resources from a single player.

Now that means that you need approximately 11 players to get 9.000.000 resources.

And even if a player doesn't have 82K galley capacity all players have 50K galley capacity.

So you need 18 players to do their daily 10 raids and get 500.000 resources each in order to get 9.000.000 resources and get the rewards.

I don't think it's that difficult if all the players try and help!