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new option, guardian lock

new option, guardian lock

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6 янв. 2022, 02:1906.01.22

new option, guardian lock

Hello everyone, maybe some will agree with me that the idea of blocking a guardian would be good for us, let me explain, there are players who have risen to a very high level, for example Persian guardians, and that because of that, making positions Persians has become a big problem, with such a powerful guardian, conquering a position requires a very small investment in troops, which makes the task difficult when returning troops gained from Persians, so it would be a good idea for plarium to integrate a blocking for all guardians in general this will allow you to freely choose which guardian you want to choose to make Persian positions, without this implying that you are changing guardian in each new position

6 янв. 2022, 08:2906.01.22

The solution is simple:

There is an option (little box that is marked with an x or left blank) that allows you to manually choose the Guardian or have the game choose for you.

La solución es sencilla:

Hay una opción (cuadradito que se marca con una x o se deja en blanco) que te permite elegir manualmente el Guardian o que el juego elija por ti. 

Siento no poder poner una captura 😇

6 янв. 2022, 14:0606.01.22

that option is tedious, it is boring and not functional at all

1- because the game automatically selects the strongest guardian

2- to change guardian you have to do it manually each new position, which is tedious and not at all functional (option suggested by the mod)😴

3- blocking the guardians would allow players to have the option to choose which guardian to play with

4- when having a chosen guardian, the game recognizes it automatically without giving more laps and automatically

an expert in Persian will understand my idea perfectly

6 янв. 2022, 16:2206.01.22
6 янв. 2022, 16:25(отредактировано)

Point 2 and point 3 contradict each other.
If what concerns you is the "debit and credit", i.e. what is called the bank between lost and recovered, then you have 3 ways:
1° not to have that type of guardian.
2° never use it.
3° have enough of them developed to the maximum and always use them.
That way they will not interfere with the bank by always giving the same result.

Punto 2 y punto 3 se contradicen.

Si lo que te preocupa es el "debe y haber", osea lo que se llama el banco entre perdido y recuperado, entonces tienes 3 caminos:

1° no tener ese tipo de guardian.

2° no utilizarlo nunca.

3° tener los suficientes desarrollados al máximo y utilizarlos siempre.

De esa manera no interferiran en el banco al dar siempre el mismo resultado. 

6 янв. 2022, 16:4106.01.22

It is difficult to debate with someone who has a very poor knowledge of the game, even worse if he also has reading comprehension problems, oh god these mods!🙊

I hope that cm will see this post and appreciate that this technical change would be of great benefit, especially for players who made the mistake of raising the Persian guardians to the top

6 янв. 2022, 16:5806.01.22

I am not an expert in Persians, but I agree with what Mauro says, there are guardians who automatically take precedence over others and who are not the ones we want to use and choosing them manually before each raid is a waste of time.

6 янв. 2022, 17:2606.01.22

Nymeria, Mauro Lo normal es elegir el Guardian que más nos beneficia.

The normal thing to do is to choose the Guardian that benefits us the most.

6 янв. 2022, 17:3706.01.22

Normal is a more dynamic game, without so many clicks, that is much more comfortable and operational, abnormal is to conform and assume that everything is fine, when small changes make a big difference

I understand that mods have an implicit need to go out and talk, and sometimes talk more, but ... why the unpleasant need that you mods have to delegitimize what the players contribute to the game, and the contributions we make for our comfort? what unpleasant people are you two !! it's okay that you want to please and serve the boss, but let us express ourselves freely, and not be the stick in the wheel constantly

6 янв. 2022, 22:3906.01.22
6 янв. 2022, 22:59(отредактировано)

Os dejo expresaros, que yo recuerde no he modificado nada de lo que escribes, pero como jugador tengo una opinión que expreso.

No siempre estoy de acuerdo con Plarium, por mi suprimiriá casi toda la tropa limitando la variedad a como estaba hace 6 u 8 años (dejaría solamente la tropa que existian en tiempos de Jerjes y Leonidas como mirmidones o arqueros) suprimiriá el general y otras cosas. Pero los desarrolladores metieron todo eso y tenemos que acogernos a las reglas cambiantes del juego.

Ojalá te hicieran caso ya que parece ser muchos opinan como tu, simplemente doy mi opinión a tu propuesta que tiene que ser tan válida como la tuya.

I let you express yourselves, as far as I remember I have not modified anything you write, but as a player I have an opinion that I express.

I don't always agree with Plarium, for me I will suppress almost all the troops limiting the variety to how it was 6 or 8 years ago (I would leave only the troops that existed in Xerxes and Leonidas times like myrmidons or archers) I will suppress the general and other things. But the developers put all that in and we have to embrace the changing rules of the game.

I wish they would listen to you since it seems that many people think like you, I just give my opinion to your proposal which has to be as valid as yours.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

12 янв. 2022, 12:4712.01.22

I like the idea. Guardians are not confortable to play with the way they are display by now. I hope Plarium will improve it somehow. We already deliver this incovenient in FB server also