1 янв. 2022, 09:1601.01.22
How to Beat Macedonia in the Sparta Game
As Sparta in 2.0, I've captured the majority of the Peloponnese and all of Crete. Macedon, on the other hand, had conquered the whole of Greece, with the exception of Epirus (which is now Korkyrna), as well as the Hellespont, Thrace, and Eastern Anatolia. I partnered with them as a deterrent, but I want to conquer Greece, so I must invade Macedon. Do you have any suggestions? None of the other diadochi want to join forces with me, and Macedonia's army is massive. This is my first IR game since launch, so I'm a little out of my element. I have a little legion of 5.5k heavy/light infantry and archers, as well as a levies force that is even smaller (since I used most of the pops for the legion.)