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Plarium - Persian Mechanics Are Complete Garbage!

Plarium - Persian Mechanics Are Complete Garbage!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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1 март 2020, 02:0001.03.20

Plarium - Persian Mechanics Are Complete Garbage!

I have played this game for 3 years now, and I have no problem spending $1,000's of dollars on it.

However, I was playing Persian Positions tonight and lost roughly 50+ million defense and 100+ million offense with two lousy payouts that didn’t even allow me to break even. I was going to buy back all of my loses, but then I realized why should I even bother if my payouts are complete garbage? I’m basically paying for you to give me a lousy payout and make up for everything I lost + a lot more.

So, from this day forward, until you fix your payout system for Persian Positions don’t expect me to pay another dollar for your trash game.

That is what I got after losing 50 million + defense and 100 million + offense. What a disgrace for playing such high Persian positions. 

1 март 2020, 02:0801.03.20
Hey there Gloone. That is big losses and just isn't right. I've had the same thing happen
1 март 2020, 10:0101.03.20
1 март 2020, 10:01(отредактировано)
the algorithms Plarium  use on PP's are a complete mystery to us mods am afraid, they keep the info very close to their chests, however I got some very decent payouts from the level 30 to 50 range last night, try dropping down to lower levels if you have them available to top the bank up 
16 март 2020, 08:4316.03.20
Range of 50-60 give very good drops. Albeit their chance is like 1 in 5. But still once i managed to lose 300 units and got 900+.
20 март 2020, 01:0120.03.20

How does the Elysium positions compare to the normal positions for payouts?

Is it a bad idea to grind up to higher level Elysium positions? - I know many people that regret grinding their normal positions to a high level.