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maintenance faites sans avertissement et pertes considerables

maintenance faites sans avertissement et pertes considerables

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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19 июнь 2018, 14:3919.06.18

maintenance faites sans avertissement et pertes considerables

bonjour hier dans la pres midi je fesait grand nombre de positions pendant un raid perses tout c'ets fige je rafraichi le naviguateur et la supprise maintenance en cours. resultat le le total de compte de mes pertes pour le calcul du jackpot a ete reinitialise alors que mes pertes etaient deja enormes et ce apres 23 positions offencives effectuees jusqu'a avoir reduit mon armee a peau de chagrin je n'es absolument rien gagner.je parle la de pertes de plus 20 000 000 off. jen appelle aux support pour rattrapper cela
DeletedTechnical Support
20 июнь 2018, 10:0220.06.18

Hello, Archon!

Your progress on Persian Positions cannot be reset. The troops you have lost on the Positions will be counted to your further rewards.

The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. Please refer to this article, it can help you to solve the issue. Meanwhile, I have moved your topic to Game Discussion thread.

Salut Archonte !

Tes progrès sur les Positions Perses ne peuvent pas être réinitialisés. Les troupes perdues sur les Positions seront comptabilisées en vue de tes futures récompenses.

Le cas signalé ne peut pas être catégorisé en tant que bogue puisqu'il fait partie des mécaniques de jeu régulières. Consulte cet article, s'il te plaît. Il pourra t'aider à résoudre le problème. En attendant, j'ai déplacé ton sujet vers le fil Discussion de Jeu.

21 июнь 2018, 13:3421.06.18
Agent Pavel....server maintenance is not regular game play
22 июнь 2018, 09:4822.06.18
Hellion6 said:

Agent Pavel....server maintenance is not regular game play
Agent Pavel meant that Units lost while playing Positions can't be reset no matter whether server maintenance or game freeze took place.
23 июнь 2018, 13:2323.06.18
23 июнь 2018, 13:24(отредактировано)
Alina Phoenix said:

Hellion6 said:

Agent Pavel....server maintenance is not regular game play
Agent Pavel meant that Units lost while playing Positions can't be reset no matter whether server maintenance or game freeze took place.
of course there is a way to compensate this guy....what he meant is he couldnt care less and he wont be dealing with it...and its time he found another phrase when he chooses to ignore a players complaint, im finding it irritating to read that again and again
25 июнь 2018, 15:4725.06.18

Hellion6 said:

Alina Phoenix said:

Hellion6 said:

Agent Pavel....server maintenance is not regular game play
Agent Pavel meant that Units lost while playing Positions can't be reset no matter whether server maintenance or game freeze took place.
of course there is a way to compensate this guy....what he meant is he couldnt care less and he wont be dealing with it...and its time he found another phrase when he chooses to ignore a players complaint, im finding it irritating to read that again and again

Archon, the main purpose of Support team working on this Forum is to deal with Bug reports.

And Pavel gave quite detailed explanation that Units lost in Positions can't be reset in any way. Correspondingly, this issue is not a bug report :(