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Kracken Alt coalition - Release the Kracken

Kracken Alt coalition - Release the Kracken

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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14 июнь 2018, 16:2414.06.18

Kracken Alt coalition - Release the Kracken

[01:17] geoharla: i will f.u.ck your a.s.s.....moron...everywhere you go i will hunt you down...

[23:15] geoharla: i am a millionaire..i dont care about money...but i can do more to you..you are here because i let you be here..dont forget it..never.

[23:34] geoharla: ohhh come on..i will ask my vip agent to cast you out of this game..why i even talk to you...???you are sooo pathetic...pfff...go kill yourself....better to watch football than play against you...i block you...

I have challenged the above player on numerous occasions, i'm tiny in comparison and hide often for self preservation. Doing so has led to frustration on his part and numerous threats. There is no need for this. If VIP members have the willing of VIP agents to toss players on the  scrapheap, what next?
14 июнь 2018, 19:5414.06.18
14 июнь 2018, 19:57(отредактировано)

1. When you write stuff like this for all to see... can we like see your replies aswell?

- no, I dont want you to show me your replies. But yeah I do. You know?

2. He seem to have a tiny penis.

14 июнь 2018, 22:1114.06.18
He's what we call a gobsh1te. Good tactics on your part , you're clearly grinding him down.
28 июнь 2018, 19:0728.06.18
closing thread as the answer has already been given and this is not the place for bandying insults around (hence the deleted posts) 
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