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Bug Oracle

Bug Oracle

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
4 янв. 2018, 15:3904.01.18

Bug Oracle

Bonjour à tous,

Voilà, celà fait un moment déjà que je souhaite faire part d'un problème au staff plarium concernant l'accessibilité des missions perses présentes dans l'onglet "missions" du bâtiment "oracle".

En effet, plusieurs joueurs dont moi nous sommes fait la remarque désagréable de ne pouvoir accéder à nos missions perses afin de convertir nos troupes en impériaux off ou def; en effet, les onglets restent grisés.





Pourtant, je suis level 140 sur les positions perses et par conséquent, je devrais pouvoir remplir lesdites missions.

Pour l'heure, personne n'a su m'expliquer d'où pouvait venir le problème mais l'avis général semble tendre vers le beug... Quelqu'un aurait-il une explication à me fournir afin que je puisse régler la chose au plus vite ?



4 янв. 2018, 16:5304.01.18

good afternoon friend, you say you are in position 140 but in the last capture you send too many positions appear below level 10, if you have no problem put the screen of your highest position

4 янв. 2018, 18:3104.01.18

ok is sent to support, let's wait for your answer

4 янв. 2018, 22:5204.01.18

When the problem will be resolved?

5 янв. 2018, 00:1905.01.18

You have to be patient

DeletedTechnical Support
5 янв. 2018, 10:4505.01.18

Hello, it is not a bug. Special Mission will open when you receive a quest to conquer it. Quests open one by one, in order to open new, you should finish the previous first. 

Please go through your quests in the "Military" section and finish all those, which you already completed (please note that you may need to press "start" in order to activate quest and then collect the reward for it).

5 янв. 2018, 11:1205.01.18
5 янв. 2018, 11:15(отредактировано)

Agent Helen said:

Hello, it is not a bug. Special Mission will open when you receive a quest to conquer it. Quests open one by one, in order to open new, you should finish the previous first. 

Please go through your quests in the "Military" section and finish all those, which you already completed (please note that you may need to press "start" in order to activate quest and then collect the reward for it).

Agent Helen,

That's what I was saying too but what this player is trying to explain to you is that he can not do any missions, even those that are supposed to be unlocked.

In other words, he is blocked.

Look, normally the missions are displayed first in the list of the Persians positions : https://gyazo.com/4e8f018f9e7f1f8ff30d4b8d82923ef0

Here is what should have happened : http://prntscr.com/hwd8m7

5 янв. 2018, 15:2405.01.18
Perfect Thanck you =D Problem resolved ^^
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