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Coalition badge individual award not givenCoalition badge individual award not given

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

Coalition badge individual award not given

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
27 нояб. 2017, 03:0627.11.17

Coalition badge individual award not given

Our coalition won this badge today:

[14:50] Léonidas: Enfants d'Arès (niv. 8)

Félicitations pour ta dernière victoire !

La gloire de la Coalition se répand dans l'Œcumène aussi vite que l'éclair déchire les cieux ! Tu as mérité ta récompense !

Points d'Influence : 10800

Bonus de Coalition: Classement de Coalition : +11 %

+3 % d'Attaque pour toutes les Unités de tous les Membres de la Coalition

Bonus individuel: Parchemins de Sagesse : 1

However, no scroll has been added to my inventory. I have refreshed and rebooted, still not there. TY.
27 нояб. 2017, 07:5327.11.17
27 нояб. 2017, 07:54(отредактировано)

How much seniority do you have in your coalition ? If you have less than seven days it's perfectly normal. You will be able to recover these bonuses and rewards at the end of this time.

If you are older in the coalition, have you been looking for these bonuses and rewards on your coalition's homepage ? Normally you can see a small glossy thing (I think it's an exclamation point) on the prowess that gives you these rewards.

27 нояб. 2017, 14:2227.11.17
Thank you! I have plenty of seniority, but I didn't know about clicking on the exclamation points on badges on the coalition home page. I had about 6 to click on, and got a bunch of units, and two scrolls, lol. Again, thank you! Never stop learning! :D
27 нояб. 2017, 14:2527.11.17