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Black screen

Black screen

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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24 нояб. 2023, 07:1224.11.23

Black screen

Untill yesterday all work norm. at morning it work norm too. tham game start lagging. i reload it and just black screen. I clear cash, uninstll and install game. nothing help.

24 нояб. 2023, 09:2124.11.23

Same issue with me. Stopped working at the same time. Cleared cache and reinstalled multiple times. Very frustrating. Other Plarium games work fine too.

27 нояб. 2023, 15:2927.11.23

same issue start and black screen 

27 нояб. 2023, 20:3027.11.23
Brian Vierra

Same issue with me. Stopped working at the same time. Cleared cache and reinstalled multiple times. Very frustrating. Other Plarium games work fine too.

Hello Archon. Sorry for the late reply. If you still have issues please contact the support  https://social-support.plarium.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.  


28 нояб. 2023, 14:0428.11.23

black screen on blackfriday

/game/game/9  apres fentre noir avec souris

ticket support windows : 7028526455

ID de rapport : 7db9b3ad-77b2-457d-962d-6b840df58e92


reinstall de sparta

plus que fenetre noir

ou /game/game/9  a la fermeture de la fenetre  ma_bibliotheque ne ce rafraichi pas




Windows Error Reporting:

+++ WER0 +++:

Détecteur d'erreurs , type 0

Nom d’événement : APPCRASH

Réponse : Non disponible

ID de CAB : 0

Signature du problème : 

P1 : flash_wrapper.exe

P2 :

P3 : 63b54cba

P4 : libcef.dll

P5 : 3.3202.1694.0

P6 : 5a30cf46

P7 : 80000003

P8 : 0000000000977a50

P9 : 

P10 : 

28 нояб. 2023, 20:4228.11.23

I contact plarium support 4 days ago. Only yesterday evening reply. 

It is from offisial letter.


Please follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Download the flash_wrapper archive folder here, depending on your CPU architecture:

For x64: https://cdn-gpd.x-plarium.com/browser/content/plarium-play/builds/application/flash_wrapper/win/3/flash_wrapper.zip

For x32: https://cdn-gpd.x-plarium.com/browser/content/plarium-play/builds/application/flash_wrapper/win/2/flash_wrapper.zip

2. Unarchive the downloaded file to this destination on your PC: PlariumPlay\StandAloneApps\flash_wrapper\9

3. Launch the game once again 


For me it help.   

29 нояб. 2023, 09:5329.11.23

Merci pour l'info

j'ai testé avant

les 2 appl de flash sur gestionaire des taches: flash_wrapper.exe 27,9-50,3 Mo  sparta 54,5 Mo

jusqu'a la fenetre "inviter des amis"


4 appli : totale a 645Mo dont 54,8 Mo sparta

toujours écran noir

en W 10 version 22H2 il y a un autre probleme 

suite prochaine numero

29 нояб. 2023, 10:1429.11.23

la version du zip est du 06/01/2023 la meme que telecharge par plarium

Alexander tu avais un probleme de chargement, ce n'est pas mon cas

j'ai remarqué que libcef et flash-wrapper font partie tes programmes telechargé

dxdiag :




Windows Error Reporting:

+++ WER0 +++:

Détecteur d'erreurs 2002317498764618840, type 4

Nom d’événement : APPCRASH

Réponse : Non disponible

ID de CAB : 0

Signature du problème : 

P1 : flash_wrapper.exe

P2 :

P3 : 63b54cba

P4 : libcef.dll

P5 : 3.3202.1694.0

P6 : 5a30cf46

P7 : c0000005

P8 : 0000000002e83809

P9 : 

P10 : 

Fichiers joints :


Ces fichiers sont peut-être disponibles ici :


29 нояб. 2023, 10:2229.11.23

version x32 marche pour moi est solutionne

dont le telechargement ne charge pas la bonne version

merci pour les info

29 нояб. 2023, 18:1429.11.23

I contact plarium support 4 days ago. Only yesterday evening reply. 

It is from offisial letter.


Please follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Download the flash_wrapper archive folder here, depending on your CPU architecture:

For x64: https://cdn-gpd.x-plarium.com/browser/content/plarium-play/builds/application/flash_wrapper/win/3/flash_wrapper.zip

For x32: https://cdn-gpd.x-plarium.com/browser/content/plarium-play/builds/application/flash_wrapper/win/2/flash_wrapper.zip

2. Unarchive the downloaded file to this destination on your PC: PlariumPlay\StandAloneApps\flash_wrapper\9

3. Launch the game once again 


For me it help.   

Hello Archon . That is great news. Is your game ok now?

30 нояб. 2023, 14:3130.11.23
9 дек. 2023, 13:18(отредактировано)

I contact plarium support 4 days ago. Only yesterday evening reply. 

It is from offisial letter.


Please follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Download the flash_wrapper archive folder here, depending on your CPU architecture:

For x64: https://cdn-gpd.x-plarium.com/browser/content/plarium-play/builds/application/flash_wrapper/win/3/flash_wrapper.zip

For x32: https://cdn-gpd.x-plarium.com/browser/content/plarium-play/builds/application/flash_wrapper/win/2/flash_wrapper.zip

2. Unarchive the downloaded file to this destination on your PC: PlariumPlay\StandAloneApps\flash_wrapper\9

3. Launch the game once again 


For me it help.   

Hello Archon. The last Thursday of each month, Plarium gives a reward to the most helpful player. You are the chosen one  for this month.  Would you please give me your ID, your  coordinates, and the server you play, so the managers can add your reward to your account as soon as possible?  

8 дек. 2023, 12:5208.12.23
8 дек. 2023, 13:03(отредактировано)

restart the computer, completely delete everything and install the game again, that's what Plarium did and it's a problem for me.

that's how I solved the problem .

now I can play normally, but I have to delete everything on my computer because of them .

some kind of built-in sparta caused me a problem . 

I mean the same day as you . 

I hope I helped you  . 

a couple of players probably have the same problem 

9 дек. 2023, 13:1309.12.23

restart the computer, completely delete everything and install the game again, that's what Plarium did and it's a problem for me.

that's how I solved the problem .

now I can play normally, but I have to delete everything on my computer because of them .

some kind of built-in sparta caused me a problem . 

I mean the same day as you . 

I hope I helped you  . 

a couple of players probably have the same problem 

Hello Archon. As it was officially announced, the developers fixed the Issue 2 days ago, I am so sorry that you deleted everything from your PC, as it wasn't necessary. Enjoy your game.

10 дек. 2023, 08:3710.12.23
Katerina Maurogenous

Hello Archon. As it was officially announced, the developers fixed the Issue 2 days ago, I am so sorry that you deleted everything from your PC, as it wasn't necessary. Enjoy your game.

I will not wait for your team to fix the problem if I can solve it myself and I will always try to solve it myself first if I am going to wait for you, it is possible that I will wait 2 years .

but even when I managed to fix the problem, I lost 4k emeralds when I turned on the eating game, while I, your check, would have spent all 22k  .

I am asking your problem that I lost 4k, I am asking you to return at least 2k 

10 дек. 2023, 08:4510.12.23

and one more thing, I'm not a vip player yet and you didn't know how to explain anything so you keep quiet 

vip players have advantages and a friend gave it to me to help maintain the account, he is a vip player I am not .

and I was in 3 positions in the top 10

igrm for more than 9 years

and I was in the top 10 13 times .

I have a vip army but I'm not a vip player . 

and you lied to me that I had to be in the top 10 in order to spend an army to become a vip player, and now you would lie

10 дек. 2023, 08:5410.12.23
10 дек. 2023, 09:03(отредактировано)


now I look and find a bug in the game, so the game is full of bugs. 

looks like I gave minus -2b armies to the players .

and there are certainly 100 bugs and errors in the game that are harmful to the players .

what are we talking about 2b armies in the minus, no player has that many armies .

you see that you haven't solved the problem, but there are more and more of them