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loses caused by latest bug on coalition capitals

loses caused by latest bug on coalition capitals

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
5 авг. 2019, 16:5405.08.19

loses caused by latest bug on coalition capitals

good afternoon,

latest bug in game has been set and game is going like nothing was happened. i just want to ask a question, what is going to be with loses on drahmas and coalition capital tools caused by issue on the game. your programers mistake took away my tactical lead about other teams and moved downgrade time of capitals that me, with players in my team are downgrading. we are giving money for this achivmant that we want to reach, and now i want someone in plarium to payback to me, and all of us what we have lost by your latest bug


7 авг. 2019, 04:1307.08.19
i thought that support is part of the game where you get answers on your questions. looks like noone cares about problems that players have. thank you anyway, i will just find some contact in plarium and send message directly to people that have made this game and pay all those moderators and support people which do nothing. maybe they are interested on those problems.
7 авг. 2019, 19:3507.08.19
you need to raise a support ticket for the support team, that way they will look at it 
8 авг. 2019, 04:3308.08.19

MORTEEEE there is important note which says that from now on support team will be handing bug reports on official forum, because they want to make theirs cooperation more efficient. and there is no option to make a ticket, it just sends you to forum.

and for the money i am giving on my accounts i think i deserve that somebody takes care about my issue, and i am sure that i will find someone in plarium who will have time