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Lack of Relics

Lack of Relics

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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31 окт. 2018, 16:5931.10.18

Lack of Relics


Plarium.com, Glorious Valley

I ended up purchasing relics after a days of not being able to upgrade and wasted 10,000 Gold when these were supposed to have been given to us when this was introduced.  I understand it's not just your player level but for prizes as well.  I have not received any at all except for the 10 that I purchased after buying an offer for the Gold to do so.  So I wasted actual money as well. 

Alex Molnar


DeletedTechnical Support
1 нояб. 2018, 07:5101.11.18

Hello, Archon!

Relics have been credited to your City in accordance with your level in the game. Please check the third page of your resources tab.
2 нояб. 2018, 11:3402.11.18


je n'ai pas reçu les reliques gratuite donné par plarium pour les niveaux passé. je suis niveau 99 et je n'ai reçu que 2 reliques pour mon niveau. j' aurais du en recevoir entre 130 a 200 reliques gratuite peut être plus.

pourriez-vous faire le nécessaire pour réglé mon problème.

merci d'avance

bonne journée

coordonné cité x: 1701 y: -2109

matthias niv: 99


I did not receive the free relics given by Plarium for past levels. I am level 99 and I received only 2 relics for my level. I should have received between 130 to 200 free relics may be more.

could you do the necessary to solve my problem.

thank you in advance

have a good day

coordinated city x: 1701 y: -2109

matthias level: 99

2 нояб. 2018, 19:4202.11.18

the same problem here. i lvl up before we got the free relicts. But to this day he hasn't gotten any free relics.

Player : trumputin

Koords  711 / 1885

Glorious Valley

DeletedTechnical Support
7 нояб. 2018, 16:0407.11.18

Dear Archons!

I have added the Relics to your accounts. We apologize for the inconveniences.

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