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Game loading problems

Game loading problems

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
17 май 2018, 21:3017.05.18

Game loading problems

uid 2896200 / pp14129716 / The Glorious Valley / segment00

With recent upgrade to game, I have experienced game crashing and game loading problems today 17/5/18.

Whilst I was attempting to reload the game, my offensive troops returned from raids were caught in my city and outside my Acropolis. I, therefore, lost about 5K troops.

When the game finally loads, it runs very slowly, instead of faster than the old game engine.

I am using Windows 10 with IE11.674.15063.0

AndriiTechnical Support
18 май 2018, 10:2618.05.18

Hello, Napoleon! I have contacted you via private messages. Please check it and specify the requested data.

18 май 2018, 12:1518.05.18

during the last 12 hours i can not join the game....

i tried chrome - firefox - safari - internet explorer, also clear the cache, restart etc etc

the most up to date browser updates are installed...

the problem does not permit me to play.....

after many tries the game loaded but the screen is full of "articrafts" and no responce to any mouse click.

i am not even able to write to my coa's chat

dear Admins : please have a look and fix the problem
18 май 2018, 12:5418.05.18


my loading screen stuck at  80% 

19 май 2018, 06:5919.05.18


je rencontre les mêmes problèmes de connexion depuis le 17/05 et nous sommes le 19/05/2018.

cela fait maintenant 3 jours, qu'il ne m'est pas possible d'accéder aux serveurs SPARTA.

Voici 3 ans que je me connecte sans souci et c'est la 1ère fois que cela se présente sous cette forme. 

Soit une Incapacité totale d'accéder et de jouer. 

N'oublions pas, tout de même que certains d'entre nous ont dépensé de l'argent pour cela !

Merci à PLARIUM, ADMINISTRATEURS, MODERATEURS, hotline, etc, de revenir vers nous avec de vraies solutions.

Pour ma part, je me connecte depuis des PC récents en Win10. Pour remettre le sujet dans le contexte; nous sommes sensés utiliser un jeu sur le web, donc il n'est pas besoin normalement de disposer d'infrastructures sur-dimensionnées, il me semble. 

qu'est il prévu par PLARIUM pour remédier à cet état de situation? cela devient urgent...

pour être complet, j'ai posté https://plarium.com/forum/en/sparta-war-of-empires/bug-reports/104065_connexion-impossible-sur-nouvelle-version-plarium-sparta/ hier, sur le même sujet, sans réponses pour l'instant...

Bonne journée


19 май 2018, 19:3919.05.18

is it that much if i ask u ( playrium administrator members ) to let me play with the previous plateform ? it has been more than 1 year that i m playing with the previous version of sparta and everything was nice . and now since 4 days or more i coulndt play with this new version . game is freezing . even cant move my units from the city to accrop . cant send message .cant take ressources from protectora and so on ................... . i tried all your suggestion to fix that but it doesnt work . Unless u bring me back to the old version or tell me directly to stop playing sparta empire

thanks for your understanding 

19 май 2018, 20:0019.05.18

Hello All 

Tried again tonight, tried some of these multitudes of downloads and programmes they are telling us to try, still my main acct on new version will not load and if it does will freeze, will turn off computer, restart see if these programmes come into play but I fear they will not work. Also this plarium app on how to play the game says not configured for your pc, could you give me some guidance as how to configure my computer to get the plarium app, maybe then I will try this way into my main acct. I have to say that the responses I have had so far have not been very supportive and I feel like I am being thrown away to the wolves with regards to my comments so far on forum, nobody has really come personally to help me sort out how I can access my main acct on new version. After all this I will review if I want to carry on, and even if I get to the new version playing in some kind of way, if there is more problems I dont know how much time with this frustration I can give anymore
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
21 май 2018, 14:2021.05.18


Please refer to this threadGame Loading Reports that are connected to the WebGL engine are processed there. 

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