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Official Announcement from Lost Souls

Official Announcement from Lost Souls

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30 сент. 2017, 13:2730.09.17

Official Announcement from Lost Souls

Date: 30/09/17

Official Announcement to Sparta (War of Empires)

Good Day All Sparta Warriors,

As a newly appointed Hegemon of Lost Souls. I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself officially to you. My name is Farhan and I have joined Lost Souls as a Trainee one year back. I have two years experience in the War of Empires. I have worked with Makaveli Dub on the Diplomacy position of six months.

Today, I would like to announce Makaveli Dub is no more Lost Souls Hegemon and behalf of Lost Souls team wishing you all the good luck in the world for your pursuits in life.

I look forward to meeting you officially in order to discuss the scope of current diplomacy with you.

Strength and honour

Yours sincerely


Farhan – Hegemon

Lost Souls

30 сент. 2017, 13:4130.09.17
LOL... whats new?????
30 сент. 2017, 13:5330.09.17

More lies? More promises?

A new puppet of Dub?
30 сент. 2017, 14:3930.09.17

Farhan said:

Date: 30/09/17

Official Announcement to Sparta (War of Empires)

Good Day All Sparta Warriors,

As a newly appointed Hegemon of Lost Souls. I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself officially to you. My name is Farhan and I have joined Lost Souls as a Trainee one year back. I have two years experience in the War of Empires. I have worked with Makaveli Dub on the Diplomacy position of six months.

Today, I would like to announce Makaveli Dub is no more Lost Souls Hegemon and behalf of Lost Souls team wishing you all the good luck in the world for your pursuits in life.

I look forward to meeting you officially in order to discuss the scope of current diplomacy with you.

Strength and honour

Yours sincerely


Farhan – Hegemon

Lost Souls

Farhan,you are not LS,you are a fecker,once a fecker always a fecker :) you could mention where you were before joining LS and your poor,old hegemon as well ^^ now,change name from LS to Tree Feckers II  :)

you know i joke,congratulations Farhan :)

30 сент. 2017, 14:4230.09.17
Thanks, Tonaya :) 
2 окт. 2017, 10:4402.10.17

tree fckers please tell em that aint treu hahaha 

congratz btw and i hope dub is fine as he hasnt been around lately !