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Challenge Nordmann and Guerreros.

Challenge Nordmann and Guerreros.

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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9 окт. 2021, 18:4109.10.21

Challenge Nordmann and Guerreros.


What do you think about this?

What is happening with Nordmann?

9 окт. 2021, 19:1109.10.21

Same issue with cc, they want to fight but they keep losing the pvp category from very far !

10 окт. 2021, 12:2610.10.21

Same issue with cc, they want to fight but they keep losing the pvp category from very far !

Sadly, whole union can not fight together in CC and challenges against a single opponent! 😔

12 окт. 2021, 22:1112.10.21
12 окт. 2021, 22:14(отредактировано)

I will not create a new post to avoid break the rules.

I will share here the result of the challenge, this shows that playing good with skill and intelligence can beat better armies.

We have sent challenges to all the ros for many months and they never accepted, maybe because they actually knew what the result would be :-)


13 окт. 2021, 17:5013.10.21

hi, this is one of the few achievements my coa is still in number 9 and I refuse to waste any time and effort till Plarium changes.

challenges are a waste of time these days because the only way to win is by hiding. when you are in a challenge, you can not attack, you can not do empos you can not have pans, only wish they attack you, put traps in other coas, political attacks ... to be honest... boring.

it's the same with conflicts... they become boring, repetitive... only Plarium wins.

The PVP point in conflict is a joke... if you are allies, you attack? if you are enemies and you attack the chances are you lose the point unless you do as in the challenge, stay home and do nothing to risk, boring

coalitions like real-life have their ups and downs... sometimes you do better others you do worse... i remember a weekend 90% of my coa was away for holidays... we lost, does it mean we are weak or bad or dead? no.... it means we were away from the computer... and every time i say to mine, this week we take slow, just get the agemas.... but they don't listen to me and try more lol

13 окт. 2021, 18:2213.10.21
John Zed

Sadly, whole union can not fight together in CC and challenges against a single opponent! 😔

That's exactly what I tink about Termites. They can't defend a lvl 1 pantheons territory and they don't have any vaillance to up a pan or do an offensive action. 

CC is only a part of the game and the biggest part in farming. Only attack emporium and with 100 swordmans (or 200 if they are good tournaments XD) and then put bubbles (or put it just because you are scared), aren't warriors skills.

So, when warriors are speaking together, don't open your mouth because you not have any credibility about this game part. It's just an advice to avoid you to look like a damn fool 😉

13 окт. 2021, 23:3013.10.21

As I said long ago, an excess of city bonuses complicates the attacks in the game, but certainly Plarium does not listen, so to win the challenge you need skill, if you attack cities and fail then you will get bad points, but it is not impossible to attack. Difficult yes but impossible no.




14 окт. 2021, 07:4614.10.21

we agree in the basics, but what you call skill i call boring when to win we all have to send group message asking players to put bubbles so they don't give points... sincerely to send that message and my players do it, its not a skill, is frustration.

17 окт. 2021, 11:4417.10.21
17 окт. 2021, 12:24(отредактировано)
Dagda Mor

That's exactly what I tink about Termites. They can't defend a lvl 1 pantheons territory and they don't have any vaillance to up a pan or do an offensive action. 

CC is only a part of the game and the biggest part in farming. Only attack emporium and with 100 swordmans (or 200 if they are good tournaments XD) and then put bubbles (or put it just because you are scared), aren't warriors skills.

So, when warriors are speaking together, don't open your mouth because you not have any credibility about this game part. It's just an advice to avoid you to look like a damn fool 😉

You should see a doctor if you see all cities are bubbled. You are always welcome big fighter 😂

Also I am surprised to see you spending time writing here rather than sending mighty 1 sword attacks 🤔

18 окт. 2021, 03:3718.10.21

Some players were asking later to give more chances to attack since the defensive part of the game is very developed and unbalance. Let me say that I worked on my defensive game for a lot of years and I really believe that I have earned the right to create a problem for the player that wants to raid my city. 

Just another player opinion.  

19 окт. 2021, 10:4919.10.21

hi guys, moved your thread to the coalition forum for you as thats where this lives :)

19 окт. 2021, 12:2219.10.21
Karl Curston

Some players were asking later to give more chances to attack since the defensive part of the game is very developed and unbalance. Let me say that I worked on my defensive game for a lot of years and I really believe that I have earned the right to create a problem for the player that wants to raid my city. 

Just another player opinion.  

defense is good,  we all agree o that, but not "THE ONLY OPTION"

 so vanesa, what are your stats in defense? what position on the top 100 in your world are you? 

20 окт. 2021, 03:0620.10.21

defense is good,  we all agree o that, but not "THE ONLY OPTION"

 so vanesa, what are your stats in defense? what position on the top 100 in your world are you? 

I'm not one of the biggest, not on the smallest side either. Not still in the top 100, but getting closer. Too personal questions about my strength in Sparta, why do I feel like you wanna fight about something? lol


8 нояб. 2021, 18:4108.11.21

no fight, just to know. its easier to communicate when you know the other person. in this forum, most of the players, we know as we are allies or enemies

14 нояб. 2021, 03:3814.11.21

Wow it looks like Guerreros really handed it to Nordmann. Congrats on your victory.