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Small new coa looking for some strong allies

Small new coa looking for some strong allies

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
7 март 2017, 02:1207.03.17

Small new coa looking for some strong allies


Formed a small COA just for fun.  

Not very active - weekend warriors.

Just looking for one or two big coas who would be happy to keep an eye on us and keep the bullies away.

Anyone interested in playing big brother - let me know.

COA is called tenth legion,  membership of 2! 

At least we have a cool website:


7 март 2017, 13:5707.03.17
Nice job on the website Trajan... Good luck to your new coal...
9 март 2017, 07:3809.03.17
9 март 2017, 07:42(отредактировано)

Well that plan failed.

Formed a closed COA because I just wanted to play the game without the politics and aggression.

Miss being in a big COA for the game discussions; not the politics and in-fighting - happens in all top 50 COAs

No-one interested in just being friends and having a chat....and leaving the wars to the big guns and up-and-comers.

Been there and done that - too much stress either being in an aggressive COA or one that is defensive and spends weeks on acquiring Pans.

Everybody wants to be top of the pack....yet no-one is; just the way Plarium wants it. Open those wallets coiners...Plarium love you guys.


10 март 2017, 00:1610.03.17

Trajan said:

Well that plan failed.

Formed a closed COA because I just wanted to play the game without the politics and aggression.

Miss being in a big COA for the game discussions; not the politics and in-fighting - happens in all top 50 COAs

No-one interested in just being friends and having a chat....and leaving the wars to the big guns and up-and-comers.

Been there and done that - too much stress either being in an aggressive COA or one that is defensive and spends weeks on acquiring Pans.

Everybody wants to be top of the pack....yet no-one is; just the way Plarium wants it. Open those wallets coiners...Plarium love you guys.


Well, there is no coal witjout plans and politics (mine either) but that we have to offer you if you join Guerilla (if & only if yr plans to built a new coal failed) is that propably we have the most funny chat, all... We discuss everything except  the war (even what colour is the hairs of Alyona),!!! Here we are a bunch of players with a nice sence of humor, I promise you ll cry laughing... And if you dont want politics you stay out of this, (our council is mess with that), you just enjoy the game and get some fun on the chat... 

31 март 2017, 23:4431.03.17
hands down   if all the members  that hate me in sparta  i can count 2xs that are my loyal freinds that being said  (And i dont care who hates me )  I WILL PICK THE TIMED SERVED COL  because i feel bad for phoenix next  i copyed how she grew freinds  and now iam doing what she cant  just saying  what got a problem What  its sparta real talk  but her sorry col suc  you know  and good luck  iam rading all her members as i wrighting heads up btch 
26 апр. 2017, 13:4026.04.17
I kind of disagree bro.  There are plenty of top 50 coalitions that don't want drama.  Look at Kracken, top contender for over two years and never any gigantic issues.  House of gods, equilibrium, and many more. You know that ;)