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A coalation of free menA coalation of free men

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A coalation of free men

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18 сент. 2016, 18:0118.09.16

A coalation of free men

After some time and many appearances in wars and articles in this game I would like you all to know the story behind the men who call themselves OUTLAWS.

First and for all let me tell the reason behind why we came to be this coalation:

We all are men and women in here who aren’t scared of a fight, more even, we love the scent of blood on our swords (let’s keep the theme of this game up in this article, hahaha). 
Besides that we just want to have fun, what this means is: we want to do whatever makes us happy.

But both those things weren’t to be found in any of the big coalations in the top 10, they are all to warry about holding their diplomatics and being peaceful to just avoid war and keep what they have, afraid to fight or to stand up for their members.

So there is why the coalation was founded, to be free, to do as we please without being enslaved by those who just want power and the main reason for our existence: to have fun.

Not long after the coalation was founded, others didn’t like our way of gaming, they don’t like to see others having fun in a way that gave freedom to the gamers so wars were started.

One with a coalation that has a record of enslaving their members: Lost Souls.

So a war started and against all odds we are booking many succeses, with the biggest one: the taking down of five level 5 pans in a row in one day wich this article is about: http://plarium.com/en/strategy-games/sparta-war-of-empires/chronicle/september-2016-1/

But there is no end to this, we still are knocking down their pans and recently took down 2 of their pans (pan 267 and 108) (http://prnt.sc/chwe6g http://prntscr.com/cj63v9)

More fights will follow, not only with lost souls but every1 we want to, we are free men, we do what we want and have fun, no diplomatics, no fuzz, just fun and joy, all in our own way.

We are a close group, with strong players and I want to thank them all for all the help and action.

Long live OUTLAWS !!!!

19 сент. 2016, 07:3919.09.16
I wish all the best in your coalition. Such a small coal but yet strong with achievements revealing that many big coals are soap bubbles.Rankings doesn't mean anything.Real numbers and will does.
19 сент. 2016, 13:2119.09.16
19 сент. 2016, 13:22(отредактировано)

thx for the friendly reply,

and yes a coalations rank says something but not much, its shows you are active but it doesn't say rahther you are strong or what you stand for.

and it is also to show that the current order that big top 10 coalations are holding doesn't work, we in our coalation have way more fun then most in the top 10, you don'thave to watch who you hit or not, neither you have to be concerned about hitting allys and such, its a free way of gaming.

that is why i truely love our way of gaming and it shows that great things can be done if you have fun
19 сент. 2016, 20:0819.09.16
I respect the decision that you guys took and keep up the good work making a name for yourselves. Keep it up; its always nice to know that ranking doesn't matter; power does
20 сент. 2016, 06:3920.09.16

yep indeed

just having fun is the key it brought us another accomplishment, we are the current number 4 in the pantheon event:


and thx for the article you previously wrote about our attacks on lost souls, i did thank you in person per mail but wanted to state that again ;)

24 сент. 2016, 16:3424.09.16
24 сент. 2016, 16:36(отредактировано)

Another Lost souls pantheon falls: http://prnt.sc/clufj9

i'm very proud of what our coalation can do and want to thank all those who helped

long live OUTLAWS !!!